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Story Box-ID: 471156

Feiyr Raiffeisenstrasse 4 83377 Vachendorf, Deutschland http://www.Feiyr.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Armin Wirth +49 861 166170
Logo der Firma Feiyr

Musikmesse Frankfurt : Feiyr will be there

Online music distribution shows how you can successfully market music yourself

(lifePR) (Vachendorf, )
From the 12th to 15th March 2014, Frankfurt is the center of music friends again: At the international Musikmesse (music fair) trade visitors, professional and amateur musicians can inform at around 1,300 exhibitors from all over the world about news around musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing, socialize and experience a colorful event program .

A key event is the exhibition for artists who want to take over the distribution of their works into their own hands. They can meet their professional partner right on the spot:

The online music distribution Feiyr presents its range in the "music biz" Hall 5.1. If you want to market your music, audio books or ebooks easily and profitably on your own, you should have a look at Feiyrs stand and talk with the team. There you can learn how to sell songs in more than 300 online portals with just one click. "The Musikmesse in Frankfurt is an important meeting place for us to talk with fair visitors and to show them the unique opportunities they would have as self-marketer," said Armin Wirth, CEO of the company.

Many visitors at the stand are guaranteed, as around 70000 music lovers will be in the hall of Frankfurt. All information about the exhibition can be found on http://musik.messefrankfurt.com/...

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Website Promotion
Musikmesse Frankfurt : Feiyr will be there


Feiyr is based in the bavarian town of Vachendorf - Traunstein. Feiyr is one of the largest online music distribution companies in music, audiobooks, eBooks and other audio productions worldwide. Currently, Feiyr sells, manages or attends to 1,187,295 Songs on 210,981 Albums of 20,861 Music Labels with 190,828 artists. The Feiyr song distribution company was founded by Armin Wirth in 1993. It employs a staff of 24.

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