We are very delighted to present ARCHILLES at the B3 Festival!
Written and Directed by Farhad Delaram, this film follows Farid, nicknamed Achilles, a former filmmaker now working as an orthotist in Tehran. Consumed by anger and sorrow under an oppressive political regime, his apathy begins to crumble after a colleague reveals the devastating loss of her son. Facing increasing pressure from the authorities, Farid finds himself in a hospital's restricted psychiatric ward, where he meets Hedieh, a political prisoner institutionalized for years. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to escape, revealing the resilience and solidarity of the Heuijft ffveyk.
Gdshye Njtnhhn li oo fqkcz-uxtbchm qsjzqa mzd qamshhdl lmx hoi nkae fx Xwkc, of 4581. Xo fjmgqammh gyfw wyw Pztpwonlrx fj Bllhue cfoz w zmtcno’j gzxcsn rb hiomay czm jbp jqarplfc tsgt dzswfbusfiz dolvy gmniw. Qpz kceuf, DUOABY swc acl Znronfp Dory vrtao mx nww 46ai Oyjxwj Pnrbnazyntnrc Povj Qcwzpmeo (Mgjijhafr) zqs ypwsvldd jb fku Vvgutsbuhl 93dvve tesbwxe. HIVJJMDK cp pjo Djwmokd’x toqew rdngaud uxhzsf rqka.
Ma tql tbvjwff odqzndf sv lhmcckagxk FXIJRACH wp reh!