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Opel insignia sports tourer stainless steel bumper protection from JMS

JMS - Fahrzeugteile GmbH
JMS - Fahrzeugteile GmbH

(lifepr) (Walddorfhäslach, 03.07.2009) The problem is well-known each Insignia driver that with loading do not scratch the series bumper nearly not possible to avoid is. Insignia driver watched out, JMS offers immediately for the sport Tourer one High-grade steel load edge protection (79 euros) , which covers a part from the rear bumper. The assembly of the Insignia of load edge protection takes place via a high-quality special tape. Other parts like lowering springs, exhaust systems, wheels... you can also get from jms.


Herr Jochen Schweiker
Telefon: +49 (7127) 31487
Fax: +49 (7127) 32389
Zuständigkeitsbereich: Geschäftsleitung

JMS Fahrzeugteile e.K
Telefon: +49 (7127) 31487
Fax: +49 (7127) 32389

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