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Tips from the Campaign for Healthier Backs AGR for a relaxed night's sleep

It's the bed that counts

(lifePR) (Bremervörde, )
We spend about one third of our life asleep. We should therefore pay the same attention to the design of our bedroom and our bed in particular as we do to our diet, exercise and regular health check-ups with our doctor. We need to sleep well and adequately at night in order to perform properly during the day. Central regeneration processes take place while we're asleep. The body recharges its energy resources and the brain deals with the impressions left by the previous day. A chronic lack of sleep is not only detrimental to performance levels but can also make us ill in the long-term. In addition to stress and shift-work, an uncomfortable bed is one of the main causes for sleeping disorders. The problem is that most people only become gradually aware of the consequences of a bad night's sleep. They wait far too long before replacing a sagging slatted frame and mattress – to the detriment of their backs. If you wake up in the morning with tension and backache or neck pains, you should urgently take a good look at your bed. Your spinal column suffers if it is not given the necessary support at night. Your bed has to be adapted to your individual needs so that your muscles and intervertebral discs can relax during the night in order for you and your back to recover and regenerate while you sleep.

The back-friendly bed: the main requirements
The main requirements for choosing the right bed are explained by the Campaign for Healthier Backs (AGR), which has been dedicated to a healthy way of life for more than 20 years and certifies back-friendly everyday products with the AGR seal of approval. When choosing where you are going to sleep, it is important to view the bed system as a whole: the spring base and mattress must form a unit and be adjusted individually to the person who is going to sleep on the bed. Furthermore, the bed system should offer optimum support for the spinal column, encouraging instead of preventing movement during the night. As far as dimensions are concerned, single beds should be at least 100 cm wide; for the length, 20 cm is added to the body size. For those sleeping in a double bed, it is important that each person has their own bed system. This is the only way for the bed to be suitable for both backs.

Bed systems with AGR seal of approval: flexible spring base, well ventilated, maximum adjustment
If you want to be quite sure when purchasing a bed system, the AGR's "certified & recommended" seal of approval offers reliable guidance.

The AGR seal of approval has been awarded for example to the Airline bed systems made by Metzeler. Here the user begins by selecting the right Airline mattress to suit his or her personal individual needs. The mattress stands out with a special system of air channels and air pipes for optimum ventilation. The mattress is divided into different zones for the greatest possible adjustment to the user's body. The system is rounded off by a spring base with adjustable elements. Harder or softer elements can be fitted according to the user's physique, weight and preferred sleeping position to offer the best possible support for the spinal column in conjunction with the mattress.

The special feature of the AGR-certified Lattoflex bed systems consists in the flexible high-tech spring base. The patented wing spring base minimises the contact area of the body with optimum adjustment to body shapes and movements. The bed system is supplemented by a permeable, adjustable mattress. The shoulder zone is designed as an absorbing suspension bridge to relieve the pressure on the shoulders when lying on the side. As a result, the throat and neck are noticeably more comfortable with fewer tension problems. For more information, go to www.agr-ev.de/en/bedsystems.

Advice is needed when buying a bed: don't go for a standard mattress if you have back problems
Beds are very special items of furniture that we use every day. More than practically any other product, they ought to be individually adjusted to our specific needs. The range is simply overwhelming and more than most consumers can cope with, particularly when they usually only buy a bed once every 13.5 years. Nor is it a very good idea to opt for the "one-fits all standard mattresses" that are a constant feature in the commercials at the moment, particularly for people with backache. A man weighing 100 kilos will sink into the mattress in a completely different way to a woman with 56 kilos. Even so, both would get the same model. No-one tries this approach with clothing or shoes. It's not a case of finding a product to suit everyone but choosing a model that is the ideal, individual answer to the personal needs of the user.
But even a bed system with the AGR seal of approval still poses the question as to the right model variant. Conclusion: good advice is indispensable when buying a bed!

Info box: Sleeping climate
Having the right bed system is not all that matters when it comes to having a healthy night's sleep. The quality of sleep also depends on a good room climate, as well as making sure you get plenty of fresh air and eat a healthy diet. These tips will help you to fall asleep and sleep through the night:
1. Ensure you have a healthy sleeping climate. The ideal temperature is 16 to 18 degrees, with humidity levels preferably between 40 and 60%. The best way to ensure a plentiful supply of fresh air is to open the windows wide briefly just before going to bed.
2. Switch off your tablets and smart phones before you go to bed. This is because surfing on the internet before going to bed will be distracting and make it harder to fall asleep. The display lighting also has a disquieting effect on many people.
3. A heavy meal just before you go to bed is more likely to prevent you from falling asleep. It is therefore better just to have a light meal in the evening, or at least to leave enough time between finishing your meal and going to bed.
4. Alcohol can also considerably impair the quality of your sleep. Although consuming alcohol often makes us fall asleep more easily, we are likely to be restless and wake up frequently during the night.
5. A bit of exercise in the evening helps to fall asleep and sleep through the night. But this certainly does not mean an intensive training session. Instead, a gentle walk or short bike ride can be beneficial. The fresh air also helps you to relax.

In brief
If you have backache and feel exhausted when you wake up in the morning, you should urgently take a good look at your bed. This often means it is high time to replace the mattress and slatted frame - for the sake of your back. The Campaign for Healthier Backs (AGR) has been dedicated to the prevention and therapy of backache for more than 20 years and knows what a back-friendly bed needs. For more information, go to www.agr-ev.de/en/bedsystems.

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About the AGR

For more than 20 years now, the Campaign for Healthier Backs has been dedicated to the prevention and therapy of endemic backache. One important part of the association's work is to award the AGR seal of approval "certified and recommended" which is presented to particularly back-friendly everyday commodities. For more information, please go to www.agr-ev.de/en.

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