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Story Box-ID: 535619

Bette GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-Bette-Straße 1 33129 Delbrück, Deutschland http://www.bette.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Jennifer Sauer +49 5250 511237
Logo der Firma Bette GmbH & Co. KG
Bette GmbH & Co. KG

BetteModules – high-quality bathroom furniture in an intelligent modular design

The steel/enamel specialist presents a furniture concept that connects

(lifePR) (Delbrück, )
Baths, showers and washbasins in steel/enamel – these are the core competences of the Delbrück-based family-owned company, Bette. Since 1952, this high-tech manufacturer has been creating new shapes out of steel – and glazing them with fine enamel. BetteModules is a new furniture concept that flexibly connects the individual products to create beautiful bathrooms. Whether it's next to it or underneath, hanging on the wall or free-standing: BetteModules is compatible with many Bette washbasins and with selected free-standing baths. The floor-standing furniture is attached to the steel/enamel baths by magnetic force.

In the modern bathroom, the washbasin needs a matching item of furniture that can withstand the bathroom’sspecial climate and at the same time fulfil its special purpose: There's a need for storage space, because only that keeps the bathroom tidy. Bette products have their own line. Over many years, the company and the material have developed a common signature. The task here was to create the right furniture that bears this signature. Bette Managing Director Thilo C. Pahl: "We don't simply want to bring another piece of bathroom furniture onto the market, rather one that fits in with our image, that's tailored to our products and that emphasises the design."

High-quality fittings replace handles

The design studio Tesseraux und Partner created the BetteModules furniture concept that not only provides drawer storage space in an exemplary way, but also does away with handles. For this we use high-quality push-to-open fittings that extend when the drawer is touched and then retract again softly when it is pushed closed. In terms of construction, steel/enamel provides both high quality and solidity – which is why we also did not scrimp on the functionality of the furniture (made from coated or varnished MDF panel material) and incorporated only high-quality technology.

The design of the furniture is minimalist and almost geometric: BetteModules combines and complements the steel/enamel products in a modular system. The BetteModules washbasin furniture can be combined with many Bette washbasins. The washbasins are manufactured as built-in basins or as counter top washbasins. The vanity unit modules can be put together one on top of the other or next to each other, depending on the storage space required – the system provides plenty of scope for layout. In addition to the washbasin solutions, BetteModules is also available as sideboards. These are complementary solutions for baths or for the free-standing monolithic washbasins. The furniture is made by a specialist bathroom furniture company in Germany and is available with the surfaces finished in high-sheen gloss white varnish, in five matt varnish variants or with three natural wood oak veneers.

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The design of the BetteModules furniture is minimalist and almost geometric: The washbasins are manufactured as built-in basins or as counter top washbasins. The vanity unit modules can be put together one on top of the other or next to each other, depending on the storage space required – the system provides plenty of scope for layout. Here with a gloss white varnished surface.

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In addition to the washbasin solutions, BetteModules is also available as sideboards. These are complementary solutions for baths or for the free-standing monolithic steel/enamel washbasins. The sideboards are held onto the steel/enamel products by magnetic force. Here in taupe, one of five matt varnished surfaces.

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Bathroom furniture to grace any home and bathroom: The bathroom furniture reveals its "living bathroom" qualities with the oak surface finishes. As wall-hanging vanity units, as complementary furniture for the freestanding washbasins or as a freely positionable sideboard, the modular drawers lend a new living quality to the bathroom. Here in natural oak, one of three oak veneer variants.

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Functional yet timelessly colourful washstands:
BetteModules vanity unit furniture with BetteLux washbasins.
Here is the furniture in the colour "ocean", one of five matt colour variants.

Colours and surfaces
Colours: Gloss: White
Matt: White, greige, ocean, taupe and flint
Natural wood veneers: Créme oak, mocca oak, natural oak

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Bette GmbH & Co. KG

That bathroom objects create individual bathrooms - and reflect the aesthetic and functional identity of the users - is the claim of bathroom specialist Bette. For more than 60 years, Bette has perfected the use of the natural raw materials glass, water and titanium steel. The company was founded in 1952 by Heinrich Bette and Günther Schlichtherle in Delbrück in Westphalia/Germany, and specialises in the processes of steel-forming and enamelling. Today, the company employs 330 people at its production and administration centre in Delbrück. Over 600 different models of baths, shower trays and washstands are made here, made in Germany, in a wide range of surface colours.

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