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Dirk Ende - So Long Leonard

Dirk Ende's tribute album "So Long Leonard" the singer/songwriter and guitarist took 15 songs that cover a time span of 34 years

(lifePR) (Frankfurt am Main, )
DIRK ENDE So Long Leonard (Seelenheimat)

Leonard Cohen passed away on November 7, 2016, but his art lives on and still has impact on people´s hearts and minds. How much it does is actually proven by the tribute album „So Long Leonard.“ the singer and guitarist Dirk Ende took 15 songs that cover a time span of 34 years. Sure, a collection like this would not be complete without the timeless classic „Hallelujah,“ the hit blueprint „First We Take Manhattan“ and the evergreen „Suzanne,“ but it is the not covered-to-death tunes that excite you. Especially on „Lover Lover Lover“ Dirk Ende gets incredibly close to the original voice. Goosebumps guaranteed!

Ende even excels himself on „Chelsea Hotel,“ „A Thousand Kisses Deep“ and „Lover Lover Lover.“ Of course the 61-year-old performer does not have Cohen´s unique timbre, but a stunning style of his own. Especially A Thousand Kisses Deep,“ the youngest cut on this disc with an original release in 2001, is a little masterpiece in this version – a true gem! Closest to this come „It Seems So Long Ago, Nancy“ and „Stories Of The Street.“ Especially these songs have their individual vibe which is beyond the original.

Considering that an album with such a strong focus on acoustic guitar and vocals can get very tedious very quickly, it fascinates even more how exciting „So Long Leonard“ has been shaped. Dirk Ende and his combatants bow to the immortal artist Leonard Cohen, but they do not freeze in awe. Instead, they interpret his work with confidence. It´s even more than that: They try to find new ways. These again have been perfectly prepared by Kurt Fritsche: The sound is superb!

©Michael Schuebeler/EMPIRE Magazine

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