Done, you finished your book. Now, you want to sell it. It's very difficult to get to large publishers. But you have too little expertise to start on your own. has the solution: The portal sells novels, crime fictions, short stories and so on, as eBook at all well-known eBook stores. The author must not invest specific knowledge or a lot of money.
Upload texts - distribution does Feiyr
It's very easy to sell your eBook: The author signs in at, uploads his book and cover. Everything else does Feiyr: The Team gets an ISBN for you and transforms your work to the required formats ePUB and Mobipocket, so that your eBook can be read with all eBook readers.
Earn money with eBooks
Who publishes an ebook, wants especially one thing: earning money with ebooks. The author chooses a price between € 0.49 and € 29.99. On each online sale he earns 80 percent of the net proceeds. All copyrights remain the authors, Feiyr gets only the right to distribute your Book in online book stores.
There are no hidden costs or monthly contributions for the author: You have only to pay a one-time fee of € 9.90 to activate your Feiyr account, plus a total fee of € 4.95 for the publication of your eBook in 165 stores and possibly € 0.49 for the ISBN, if required.
For further information and registration: