Aufbauend auf dem aktuellen Austausch wollen Frau Dr. Poonsawat und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Müssig den wissenschaftlichen Austausch zwischen der Hochschule Bremen und der Kasetsart University vertiefen und gemeinsame Forschungsarbeiten initiieren.
Dr. Poonsawat has a Bachelor of Science (Agriculture), Master of Science (Botany), Post-graduate and Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy) in Botany from Kasetsart University, Bangkok. Dr. Poonsawat is one of the leading experts in Thailand in the Field of natural plant fibre. She gives courses on Bachelor and Master level in the field of Plant Anatomy and Fibre plants and applications at the Botany Section, Department of Science, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science. Her special areas of interest are physiology of fiber plant production and plant growth as well as fibre quality, fibre applications and related processes for biological materials.