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Story Box-ID: 869563

JMS - Fahrzeugteile GmbH Schulstr. 28 72654 Neckartenzlingen, Deutschland http://www.racelook.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Jochen Schweiker +49 7127 9608411

Eyecatcher par excellence - pixeled i30 N on Barracuda Project 2.0 wheels

(lifePR) (Neckartenzlingen, )
It cannot be said that the Hyundai i30 N is rare in the tuning scene. Accordingly, owners have to make an effort to stand out from the crowd. This has undoubtedly succeeded in the case of the example presented here, in which a high-quality wheel set from Barracuda Racing Wheels is just one of several noticeable modifications.

The Korean hot hatch rolls on Project 2.0 wheels from Barracuda's “Ultralight Series”, which are manufactured using the flow forming process and which are 8.5x19 inches with 235/35R19 tires mounted on the axles. The factory finish in Gunmetal Gray was refined by the Foliencenter-NRW with accents in Gymkhana Green, so that the wheels are now even more sensational.

In addition, they fit perfectly with the striking full wrap of the i30 N, because the body is also wrapped in the Gymkhana Green film, which is only produced in strictly limited quantities. The geometric shapes distributed on it in pixel style in the colors Matt Anodized Red 2.0 and the orange Matt Sunrise set striking files.

Something has also happened under the car body: thanks to a downpipe including a 200-cell catalytic converter and a 90 mm exhaust system from Friedrich Motorsport (each with EC approval), Gruppendruck intake and a charge air cooler as well as a Stage II Software optimization by Klasen-Motorsport, including tuning for 100-octane fuel, the engine now generates 322 hp and 484 Nm. The brakes are equipped with EBC Yellowstuff pads.

Last but not least, the best sound is also guaranteed in the additionally insulated interior: the owner Rick installed a high-quality hi-fi system with Replay Audio Energy RE65-4PP MK III speakers in the doors, Replay Audio Energy RE-10-4 MK II speakers in the dashboard and an Eton Force 12-800 BR subwoofer. An Eton EC 1200.1 D, an Eton PA 1054 and an Audio System X80.4 DSP amplifier are also on board.

Thanks go out to Rick for the photo shoot. If you want to examine the car in moving images, you should not miss the following video: https://youtu.be/...

Breathtaking videos from Barracuda are available on the YouTube channel “Barracuda Racing Wheels” or interactively on the Instagram profile “barracuda.wheels”.  The light alloy wheels from the extensive Barracuda rim program are available from car dealerships or from well-stocked tire and specialist dealers.  Alternatively, they are available as well as all other facts as well as price and delivery information directly from:

JMS Fahrzeugteile GmbH                                       
Hauptstr. 26                                                            
72141 Walddorfhäslach                                           
Tel.: +49 (0) 71 27 / 96084-0                       
Fax: +49 (0) 71 27 / 96084-20                                 
Email: info@jms-fahrzeugteile.de                           

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