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JMS - Fahrzeugteile GmbH Schulstr. 28 72654 Neckartenzlingen, Deutschland http://www.racelook.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Jochen Schweiker +49 7127 960840

JMS Fahrzeugteile GmbH Performance Messe Part V

Successful tuning mega event in the best weather

(lifePR) (Neckartenzlingen, )
On Saturday, September 7th, 2024 the time had finally come! The fifth edition of the Performance Messe organized by JMS Fahrzeugteile, eagerly awaited by fans, took place. The venue was once again the very spacious Motorworld Village Metzingen area with around 28,000 square meters of event and exhibition space, located in Swabia, almost 40 kilometers south of Stuttgart.

The weather turned out to be really excellent for such an event with blue skies and bright sunshine. With temperatures around 30 degrees it was almost too good. Nevertheless, numerous car and tuning fans did not let this heat stop them from watching the performance trade fair live in person. The JMS Fahrzeugteile team welcomed around 2,000 visitors on site. Various other viewers joined us online because, as usual, the event was once again broadcast live via the JMS YouTube channel. Interested parties can of course now watch the recording of the approximately seven and a half hour long broadcast later in the re-live.

You can find the Youtube-Video here: https://youtube.com/live/jp9HlMkWp9c

This would definitely be worthwhile, because the participants had a lot to offer on site and in the stream. There were around 150 show cars from all over Germany as well as internationally from Switzerland, France, Austria and Italy. Many of these cars were presented in detail in the moderated live stream. And as part of a vehicle evaluation, the best among them received awards. Participants were also able to win further prizes in the AYA Car Hifi Sound Contest, the wheel changing competition organized by Driftinglele and the RC Cars Racing competition organized by Forminline. As an additional highlight, various stars and starlets from the car and tuning scene were there on site, such as several successful influencers and tuning professionals known from television.

The absolutely essential core element of the fifth Performance Messe was of course once again the numerous exhibitors. More than 30 renowned companies and brands were looking forward to a lively exchange with visitors and to presenting their latest products and show cars, often in a live stream. Included were KW Automotive, Barracuda Racing Wheels, Eibach, Cor.Speed Sports Wheels, H&R, Breyton Wheels, RaceChip, Fox Sportauspuff, Hankook Tires, Schmidt Felgen, OZ Racing and many more. 

After the absolutely successful edition this year, there will of course be another performance fair in 2025. The date is already set: On September 6th 2025, the next Performance Messe will offer a new, even more varied concept. The fans and visitors can be excited and should follow the Performance Messe on Facebook and Instagram channels or on the website (www.performance-messe.de). There you will always find the hottest news for the coming year.

Further information about the performance trade fair and all facts as well as price and delivery information about the entire JMS vehicle parts program can be found directly at JMS Fahrzeugteile GmbH.

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