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Story Box-ID: 36363

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG Industriestraße 1 63179 Obertshausen, Deutschland http://www.karlmayer.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Ulrike Schlenker +49 6104 402274
Logo der Firma KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG

Sophisticated machines can warp elastane yarns at a rate of 400 m/min-1

The DSE-HH 50/32 - a new elastane warping machine from KARL MAYER that is 25% faster

(lifePR) (Obertshausen, )
KARL MAYER s elastane warping machines have proved themselves time and time again, and enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide. They can produce a warp beam build of unrivalled quality, guarantee optimum performance during subsequent processing, and are extremely efficient. The DSE-H 50/30 is, therefore, an extremely successful production machine, surpassed only by its successor.

A change of generation, which is currently being undertaken, envisages the replacement of this successful, top-selling machine by an Elast-O-Matic type DSE-HH 50/32, which will im-prove precision and ease of operation, and increase productivity even further. The new warp-ing machine for processing extremely sensitive elastane yarns is now up to 25% more effi-cient, thanks to its optimised technology.

The focus of the development work carried out on the high-speed machine was to replace the existing drive system with multi-motor drives. The software for fault analysis and for recording the beam data has also been brought up to the level of KARL MAYER s state-of-the-art KAMCOS® technology, and the Teleservice package has been integrated into the overall machine concept - with obvious advantages for the user.

For example, the new Elast-O-Matic enables the beam data for the individual section warp beams to be displayed and compared; any faults can be dealt with before they can cause any problems during subsequent processing.

Right from the start, the new Elast-O-Matic rules out any discrepancies in the warp beam quality as a result of the tension differences in the packages by using new pressure meas-urement technology. This high-tech solution consists of sensors, which are integrated directly into the bearings of the pre-drawing unit. This system equalises the tension differences be-tween and within the yarn packages automatically. As well as automatically equalising any tension differences, an electronic, fixed cam can be used to make any necessary adjust-ments. This system is particularly useful in applications requiring information on the tension differences within the packages. In this case, the user can use up to 250 individual points for setting the electronic cam.

With all these innovative features, the Elast-O-Matic is perfect for processing every type of commercially available material produced by every manufacturer. It is also ideally placed to face all the challenges of modern warp knitting technology head on.

High-speed machines fitted with CFRP components, in particular, need top-quality warp beams to make full use of their performance potential.

This new machine in KARL MAYER s range of warp preparation machines was presented to a large number of specialists from the textile industry at an in-house presentation, during which the Elast-O-Matic showed quite clearly that it can meet every requirement made of it. Yarn producers, fabric manufacturers and commission warpers from all over the world, and especially those involved with processing particularly fine elastic yarns, were extremely inter-ested in the new Elast-O-Matic. Several machines were sold at the beginning of this year. Most of the companies buying the new machines wanted to modernise their plants or replace their existing machines.
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