From the cleaning of the cotton to the sewing of the product, the entire Mammut Organic Cotton production chain adheres to high social and ecological standards, and is in strict compliance with EEC Regulation No. 2092/91 on the organic production of agricultural products. The climbing apparel made from bioRe® cotton stands for dignified production conditions without the use of harmful pesticides or any other form of poison. This benefits both the farmers and textile workers as well as the consumer thanks to the absence of harmful effects on the body. Moreover, chemical-free cultivation helps maintain the longterm fertility of the soil.
bioRe® cotton is socially beneficial, as the farmers receive training in the special methods involved in growing organic cotton and are helped by advisors during the harvest. The farmers are also guaranteed a market for their crops and even receive a premium price over and above the rate for conventional cotton.
With its first Organic Cotton range and the end-to-end checks on the entire production chain carried out on its behalf, Mammut is making an important step towards sustainability and social responsibility. By buying these products, consumers can not only feel good when out and about in nature - they are helping to protect nature for future generations.