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Story Box-ID: 668453

Polin Waterparks /Gebkim OSB Refik Baydur 6 41480 Dilovasi/Kocaeli, Türkei http://www.polin.com.tr
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Sohret Pakis +90 262 656 64 67
Logo der Firma Polin Waterparks /Gebkim OSB
Polin Waterparks /Gebkim OSB

Ujevara Resort Debuts Largest Waterpark in Kosovo

Filled with a colorful mix of Polin Waterparks' attractions, the new facility continues the industry's growth in the region

(lifePR) (Dilovasi/Kocaeli, )
Traveling from the city off Ferizaj, Kosovo, the view changes from tall spires and historic edifices into one of lush, green fields and forests. Before long, however, colorful swirls rise from the pastures. The Ujevara Resort comes into sight with shimmering pools of liquid relief, multihued, intertwined waterslide tubes and cobalt-blue umbrellas. You've arrived at the newest - and largest - waterpark in the country.

Encompassing 20,000 square meters (215,278 square feet), the aqua park at Ujevara Resort is part of a growing trend in the Balkans. The number of waterparks in the region remains small compared to other parts of the world - nearby Serbia boasts less than half a dozen, and Albania has few to speak of. But Polin Waterparks (Turkey) has dedicated wide resources to developing the area. In addition to being the designer and developer of the Ujevara Resort, for example, Polin Waterparks led some waterpark projects in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Slovenia.

Kubilay Alpdogan, Director of Sales and Design of Polin Waterparks, says that the area is rich with opportunity. "We've been working in the Mediterranean for many years with successful projects in Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Egypt and smaller countries. So it's good to see the number of waterparks beginning to open in the Balkans specifically. We're focusing on helping developers in these areas create oases that blend relaxation and recreation."

The Ujevara Resort, which opened in June, offers a mix of attractions for all ages. Adults will enjoy Polin's Multislide, Black Hole, Body Slide, Space Hole, Aquatube, Kamikaze, Freefall, Rafting Slide and Wave Slide. Kids will delight in the company's smaller versions of the Multi Slide, Aquatube and Compact Slide, along with a Mini Pirate Ship, Baby Octopus Slide, Rabbit Slide, Frog Slide, Mushroom and Octopus Slide.

Afrim Hoxha, partner of the Ujevara resort, says guests have provided a lot of positive feedback from their visits. "I've heard comments ranging from 'Just amazing!' and 'Wonderful!' to 'Fantastic,' along with general compliments about our facility. Working with the team at Polin Waterparks allowed us to create a resort that people love. We're very pleased with the entire experience."

For more information please click : https://www.facebook.com/UJEVARAresort/ 

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Polin Waterparks /Gebkim OSB

Polin was founded in Istanbul in 1976 and has since grown into a leading company in the waterparks industry. Today Polin is a world leader in the design, production and installation of waterparks, waterslides &and water-play attractions. Polin has completed 3,000 waterpark projects in 103 countries around the world and is the biggest waterslide supplier in Eurasia. Working with a wide variety of clients has helped Polin reach several milestones including installing the first waterparks in many countries and many other award-winning rides at parks with world-renowned reputations.

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