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"Communication is our job. Without information, no business!"

Inter-publishing on the 42nd Movie theater Congress

(lifePR) (Baden-Baden, )
"The world is changing," with these words of Galadriel begins the filming of "Lord of the Rings." Great-great movie trilogy. It's been a few years ago. The change, which in Baden - Baden is these days for something to do with language and cinema It has long been on the move. And the industry is gone and torn from the 3-D, the holistic process of digitizing a complete continuous production chain: from the filming of the post-production, and archiving, and distribution of cinematographic works. From the classic film roles for photochemical and mechanical storage and dissemination.

The time to think: "Should I or Should not I?" is up emotionally. Who here has not made up the bounce, it is difficult to have a much greater than those that have slipped under full steam into the supposedly better world cinema. Digitization is the magic word for cinema facilities that could lift it financially.

Give up forever to be released, which failed due to the financial requirements. On the 42nd Movie theater Congress is about change. Strictly speaking, not just one, for it is much more at stake when it comes to the future of cinema, it is also about the future of habitats. Those who lose their cinemas will have to be on quality of life, the social content artery. It's about "the future of cinema" and the chain reactions, if the cinema's future will be taken.

The digitized movie requires a future-proof support policy, called Dr.Thomas Negele, CEO of the German Film Theatre Association (HDF Kino eV) in his opening speech in which he set the priorities and explained what they wanted to hear exhibitors: "The 'cinema promotion and the world of tomorrow! "in the time frame of 2014-2018.

The Film Promotion Law (FFG) is under scrutiny. The Internet, new media and rapid communication technologies are now well established, is no secret.

"Baden-Baden 2012, be considered as guides. Instead we need a modern-honored concepts and proper film and promotional policy. We show perspectives for the cinema," promises the movie theater Congress, in bright sunshine, and 4.4 deg. C. in the spa town started today by 10 clock.
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