Profits up for the 17th consecutive year in 2012: +13.6% after minority interests
The Galenica Group recorded profit growth for the 17th consecutive year in 2012: consolidated net profit rose 13.6% to C…
The Galenica Group recorded profit growth for the 17th consecutive year in 2012: consolidated net profit rose 13.6% to C…
Das Internationale Team für Implantologie (ITI), eine führende wissenschaftliche Organisation auf dem Gebiet der dentale…
Seit Juni 2012 ist es amtlich: Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO stuft Dieselruss als Erreger von Lungenkrebs ein. Ar…
The difficult environment on the financial markets, currency translation effects and heavy burdens from natural catastro…
Philippine cooperative insurance company Coop Life Insurance & Mutual Benefit Services (CLIMBS) together with Munich Re…
Deutsche Institute sind an der Spitze der europäischen Forschung und Innovation. Das Europäische Institut für Innovation…
Fresenius Kabi has successfully closed the acquisition of Dabur Pharma Ltd. In April 2008, the company had announced the…