Ukraine: Tymoshenko ally expects the former prime minister's release
In an interview with Deutsche Welle, the former Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuri Lutsenko talked about the reasons behin…
In an interview with Deutsche Welle, the former Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuri Lutsenko talked about the reasons behin…
As reported on March 22, 2013, the Adval Tech Group succeeded in raising operating profit before depreciation, interest…
The HOCHDORF Group has undergone a challenging, often successful, but also disappointing 2012. Export markets were chall…
Senior government officials representing the 53 Member States in the WHO European Region will meet in Oslo, Norway on 17…
Over 1000 patients are estimated to fall sick with tuberculosis (TB) every day across Europe - or over 380 000 yearly -…
The report "European facts and Global status report on road safety 2013" published today by WHO/Europe reveals significa…
Der Gesundheitszustand in der Europäischen Region der WHO hat sich insgesamt zwar deutlich verbessert, doch finden sich…
In einem Positionspapier fordern sechs Osteopathie-Organisationen und Berufsverbände ein Berufsgesetz mit einheitlichen…
Der Preisträger des "Familie-Hansen-Preises 2013" steht fest: Kuratorium und Stiftungsrat der Bayer Science & Education…
Rund 380.000 Schoko-Nikoläuse hat das Fair Handelsunternehmen GEPA zur Vorweihnachtszeit 2012 verkauft - überwiegend an…