But also the nature experience Bavarian forest should not get a raw deal! Start with your children into the forest! Hiking, canoeing and visiting the national park are great experiences. Of course hiking with children and young people is sometimes a little bit complicated. But even in that case we can help you! Just avoid boring forest paths and set an interesting goal! Often the trampling path through the copsewood is many more exciting! Also nature trails and fitness parkours with devices for doing gymnastics can be found in the forest. On the "Gehnuß Weg" ('enjoying going path') the forest can be explored with all senses! What gives variety in forest activities are the new high-wire-parks and the new treetop path!
Furthermore the national park Bavarian forest is the oldest national park of Germany. Two information centers offer fabulous insights for the whole family! An animal film cinema, many changing exhibitions and interactive computer programmes expect the visitors! Many animal enclosures attract children and young people as also the adults! The river 'Schwarzer Regen' is very shallow. So also families with young children can master jointly a canoe trip! Practically the river flows directly through the forest. So you can have a fantasic view on the 'inner' Bavarian forest! Only few localities are nearby the 'Rio Negro' - adepts speak also of " Bavarian Canada" because of its untouchedness!
The www.thula-landhotel.de supplies the guests with information and tips, so that nothing can ruin a relaxing and harmonious family and Wellness vacation!
Presseservice "Tourismusmarketing Bayerischer Wald": www.Bayrischer-Wald.de und www.bayerwaldregion.de Ein Service der Werbeagentur PUTZWERBUNG, Bayern