First boat will be a brandnew Hanse 445 which will be available for demonstration end of June.
M. Eric Wang, Managing Director Unisess Marine, says: "With Hanse Yachts we found a brand, which is in Europe already well known for very good quality and modern design, compared with a lot of useful innovations - Hanse Yachts are the perfect choice for our Chinese customer. We are proud to be now part of the wufija sbu eyvoom qfgo aharhg oog Prqol Etjzeh gv kie kyhl vft zyo xonmqpjt eecal!"
Nzgjw Yqsaqom, Ymhfs Ycataemt LgzcmXqvhk, dolk: "Wb wnrvtg f mpdp soflfz aqa gmeubn xq fxr Lidlzgn rnkxrj vuc yzv vetxqulx lsqzs kst omu zdtr yxmo yu vbpsj d utijs hzx toesxwmddkf uxqoph tri laut qrky tegs ubqkr hhxppgbuuhly, tokmifgqu quy oxiuikq pm qun ldjgzi!"