The proceeds of the capital increase are to be used for financing the acquisition of Nycomed's oncology projects in the amount of 14 million Euros. Additional funds are to be used for further development of the existing as well as the new project pipeline of 4SC AG. The corporate action was supported by Santo Holding (Deutschland) GmbH, who is the largest single shareholder in 4SC AG.
Following the completion of the capital increase, a total of 9,500,913 new shares were placed. As a result of the capital increase, 4SC AG's subscribed capital increased to 28,502,739.00 Euros. The free float is approximately 29.24 percent of issued shares based on today's knowledge.
The approval of the new shares for trading at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is not expected before November / December 2008.
The capital increase was accompanied by Conrad Hinrich Donner Bank AG.