Sales growth was mainly achieved by the above-average development of the trauma & orthopaedics segment of aap (+80% to EUR 7.0 million) while the aap bio implants group, which specialises in medical biomaterials, showed a sales growth of approx. 7% to EUR 9.4 million. aap expects considerably double-digit growth rates for the biomaterials segment during the second half of the year.
In EUR million 2008 2007 Change
Sales 1st half year 16.4 12.7 +29%
-thereof Trauma & Orthopaedics 7.0 3.9 +80%
- thereof aap bio implants group 9.4 8.8 +7%
For 2008 aap anticipates an organic sales growth of more than 20%, with above-average impact on the company's operating result and net income. The publication of the full aap Implantate AG six month report 2008 is scheduled for August 13, 2008.