The screen's place can also be taken by the mounting base or by the FCO3 video-transmitter (part of the FCO3 transmitter set). The camera now sends the video at 2.4 GHz to the receiver connected with the screen.
The receiver module can also be connected to the soon available FCO3 V-Eyes. Like that you can see the world from the birds view as a live stream. Data like speed, high and direction will be supplied by the separate GPS-module. The cams head follows with the integrated Head-Tracking-System the movement of the pilots head, as far as the model-receiver has three free channels (pan/tilt/trigger). Last but not least a 433 Mhz transmitter /-receiver (FCO3 Linx) will be available. Like that it's also possible to move the cams head and trigger the recording without the models transmitter.
The cam also has the already known features like:
Photo, video + audio, continuous shooting function, surveillance mode, audio recording, endless video, external chipdrive, web cam function. Battery status is integrated in the display.
Further information about the FCO3 you get in the internet on our