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AGR e.V. Stader Str. 6 27432 Bremervörde, Deutschland http://www.agr-ev.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Tanja Cordes +49 4284 9289913
Logo der Firma AGR e.V.

Heat wraps with deep effect to combat backache

(lifePR) (Selsingen, )
Heat not only makes us feel better and generates a cosy atmosphere: it can also alleviate pain. Heat relieves tension and blocks the nerve receptors responsible for transmitting pain. Hot water bottles and infrared lamps are popular sources of heat for pain relief, but they sometimes pose the risk of burns and are not always easy to use. It is difficult to fix hot water bottles exactly at the painful area, and both infrared lamps and hot water bottles can only be used at home. Heat wraps by ThermaCare® are an appropriate alternative and are available from pharmacies. They maintain a constant temperature for hours at a time, are easily applied to the painful areas, including neck and back, permit exercise and provide effective, reliable pain relief.

Double strategy against backache: heat and exercise

Backache has many causes. Tension, incorrect posture and one-sided strains can be compounded by a lack of exercise together with psychic factors such as stress to cause back problems. Heat and exercise help to alleviate the pain, regardless of what has triggered it. Heat stimulates the circulation, relieves tension and indicates reduced pain perception to the brain. Exercise strengthens the muscles while also stabilising the spinal column and joints. However, effective therapeutic heat has to fulfil a number of criteria. The temperature should increase slowly to then remain at a constant level of 40°C. Furthermore, the heat should act only locally at the affected area, where it should penetrate through to the lower lying muscles and connective tissues. The heat wraps by ThermaCare® for the lower back, for the neck and for flexible use fulfil all these criteria and have therefore been awarded the AGR seal of approval in combination with physiotherapy or attendance at a back school. A special technology ensures that the heat is held at 40°C for 8 to 12 hours. Once the heat wraps are unpacked and exposed to the air, the contents react with the oxygen in the ambient air and the wraps start to heat up. The target temperature is reached after half an hour.
The excellent synergetic effects of physiotherapy or back school and ThermaCare® heat wraps for treating acute muscular tension and strains have convinced the medical experts at AGR who have awarded the seal of approval "certified & recommended" to both measures in combination.

For more information, go to www.agr-ev.de/en/heat-wraps.

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