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Story Box-ID: 535620

Bette GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-Bette-Straße 1 33129 Delbrück, Deutschland http://www.bette.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Jennifer Sauer +49 5250 511237
Logo der Firma Bette GmbH & Co. KG
Bette GmbH & Co. KG

BetteAntislip Pro: Highest stability with flawless aesthetics

New anti-slip coating R10

(lifePR) (Delbrück, )
In time for ISH 2015, Bette will be presenting its Antislip Pro, a new enamel surface for even greater slip resistance and standing safety in the shower. What makes this surface so special is its appearance, which scarcely resembles the usual safety feature, in either matt colours or in glossy white.

Smooth surfaces, moisture, and soap - accidents in the bathroom are generally caused through slipping. When under the shower, people who are unable to stand or walk steadily are at constant risk of losing firm contact with the floor and sustaining a serious injury. Slip-resistant surfaces provide the grip needed for safe walking and standing. "When relaxing under a shower, nobody wants to be concerned by the thought that they could slip and hurt themselves at any time," explained Sven Rensinghoff, Marketing Director at Bette. "It is important we eliminate this underlying danger and provide especially children and the elderly with a safe showering experience."

For a long time now, the Delbrück steel/enamel specialist Bette has been offering a solution for its steel/enamel shower areas in the form of BetteAntislip, which complies with the anti-slip rating group B for wet-loaded barefoot areas (DIN 51097) and fulfils DIN 18040. Shower areas fitted with BetteAntislip are characterised by a distinctive pattern that marks the areas with an anti-slip quartz sand mixture burned into the BetteGlaze.

At ISH 2015, the company will be presenting yet another solution in the form of its BetteAntislip Pro, which provides the same high safety standard in the class R10 slip resistance. For this solution, the steel/enamel specialist has developed a special enamel layer whose rough surface is virtually undetectable to the touch. The enhanced resistance optimises showering safety, over the entire surface. Furthermore, this solution is barely visible to the eye, so does not detract from the flawless aesthetics of the elegant Bette shower trays and areas - beauty and the steel/enamel material in flawless harmony. This applies to both classical, glossy white and coloured shower areas. BetteAntislip Pro can be combined with all matt shades of the colour world BetteFloor that are already chosen by over 40% of customers for their shower areas. "An extremely aesthetic solution for purists and friends of flawless surfaces who value enhanced walking comfort," confirmed Sven Rensinghoff.

The new surface is also extremely robust and resistant, yet easy to clean and hygienic. Dirt and bacteria can hardly take hold on the non-porous surface, and it easily withstands even aggressive cleaning agents. The surface remains in its original state even after years of use. So BetteAntislip Pro is the ideal solution for high quality private bathrooms and all other bathrooms demanding safety conforming to standards, high hygiene levels, and low subsequent costs, for instance in hotels, nursing homes, retirement homes, and hospitals. "The combination of steel and enamel is extremely strong, scratch resistant, impact resistant, and easy-care, and permanently retains its shape," explained Sven Rensinghoff. "Our BetteAntislip Pro is now offered as an additional finishing option that raises slip resistance and standing safety to a high aesthetic level."

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With BetteAntislip Pro, Bette ensures optimum safety while showering. The perfect appearance of the steel/enamel of the BetteFloor is preserved.

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The new surface for Bette floor level showers is slip-resistant (R10) in accordance with DIN 51130. The surface is safe to stand on even when wet, and is available in gloss white and in all matt colours.

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Bette GmbH & Co. KG

That bathroom objects create individual bathrooms - and reflect the aesthetic and functional identity of the users - is the claim of bathroom specialist Bette. For more than 60 years, Bette has perfected the use of the natural raw materials glass, water and titanium steel. The company was founded in 1952 by Heinrich Bette and Günther Schlichtherle in Delbrück in Westphalia/Germany, and specialises in the processes of steel-forming and enamelling. Today, the company employs 330 people at its production and administration centre in Delbrück. Over 600 different models of baths, shower trays and washstands are made here, made in Germany, in a wide range of surface colours.

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