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Story Box-ID: 535618

Bette GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-Bette-Straße 1 33129 Delbrück, Deutschland http://www.bette.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Jennifer Sauer +49 5250 511237
Logo der Firma Bette GmbH & Co. KG
Bette GmbH & Co. KG

Flowing shapes in steel/enamel – now also in oval

Bette presents the oval version of the BetteLux concept in three variants

(lifePR) (Delbrück, )
Rarely has an interior defined the design of a bath as much as in the case of BetteLux. The soft shapes of this bath flow into each other – the radii merge together seamlessly. Until now, this fascinating and gentle play with the shaped steel has only been available in a rectangular version for baths and washbasins. Now Bette has added an oval bath shape..

Free-standing baths are a highlight in the bathroom and create a very personal wellness and relaxation zone. The oval shape lends its own new character to this successful bath – it comes across as a little less puristic, yet at the same time toned-down modern. The roundness saves some space and makes the body of the bath more sleek in appearance. Bette has created three oval variants l in collaboration with the designer Dominik Tesseraux: The free-standing BetteLux Silhouette, the BetteLux Highline for semi-recessed installation and the built-in variant.

The oval is available in three variants

These jointless Silhouette-models are made by Bette in the Westphalian town of Delbrück and reveal the manufacturer's high level of production competence. The bath is created from two pieces. A thin welded seam, created by skilled hands in the special workshop, invisibly joins the bath core to its skin. It is then fused and meticulously finished, before the glass-like enamel coating permanently refines the surface to create a perfect bathroom product. State-of-the-art computer-controlled production systems are supplemented by hand craftsmanship where this would benefit the customer.

Bette first realised this concept of a jointless steel/enamel bath a few years ago, and went on to further perfect it. The material and the workmanship ensure that the bath will remain stable and won't warp when used for either bathing or showering. The ergonomics and the feel deliver what the appearance promises. Besides the interior, one outstanding design feature of the free-standing BetteLux versions is the outer rim and the defined transitions between the bath rim and the vertical.

Bette has given the name Highline to those baths that were developed specially for installation in plinths, thereby opening up new design possibilities for the bath. Approximately half of the bath is built into the plinth. This gives the bath rim a height of just 28 cm. The built-in variant of the BetteLux Oval almost no longer has a bath rim: The folded rim is only eight mm in height and creates a whole new bath installation effect. As company boss Thilo C. Pahl says: "The product continues to surprise even ourselves with its versatility."

To match the BetteLux, Bette offers an extensive range of washbasins in the same design. These are of course also made from steel/enamel. BetteLux is available from the high-tech manufacturer Bette in Delbrück in white and in many other colours.

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The built-in variant of the BetteLux Oval almost no longer has a bath rim: The folded rim is only eight mm in height and creates a whole new bath installation effect. The flowing shapes of this steel/enamel bath are shown off to perfect effect

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Bette has given the name Highline to those baths that were developed specially for semi-recessed installation in plinths, thereby opening up new design possibilities for the bath. Approximately half of the bath is built into the plinth. This gives the bath rim a height of just 28 cm.

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Free-standing steel monoliths: These jointless free-standing Silhouette-baths are made by Bette in the Westphalian town of Delbrück partly using hand craftsmanship, and reveal the manufacturer's high level of production competence: The bath is created from two pieces. It is then fused and meticulously finished before the glass-like enamel coating permanently refines the surface to create a perfect bathroom product.

Flowing shapes in steel/enamel on the washbasin too. Here are the counter top washbasins for BetteLux Oval combined with the new bathroom furniture series BetteModules. The minimalistic design of the built-in washbasin is perfectly complemented by the undermounted modules with handle-free drawers and push-to-open fittings.

Product dimensions / versions
Built-in bath: 170x75x45, 180x80x45, 190x90x45 cm
Silhouette: 170x75x45, 180x80x45, 190x90x45 cm
Highline: 180x80x45, 190x90x45 cm

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Bette GmbH & Co. KG

That bathroom objects create individual bathrooms - and reflect the aesthetic and functional identity of the users - is the claim of bathroom specialist Bette. For more than 60 years, Bette has perfected the use of the natural raw materials glass, water and titanium steel. The company was founded in 1952 by Heinrich Bette and Günther Schlichtherle in Delbrück in Westphalia/Germany, and specialises in the processes of steel-forming and enamelling. Today, the company employs 330 people at its production and administration centre in Delbrück. Over 600 different models of baths, shower trays and washstands are made here, made in Germany, in a wide range of surface colours.

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