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Story Box-ID: 823643

FIDURA Private Equity Fonds Schloßstraße 23 82031 Grünwald, Deutschland https://www.fidura.de/

FIDURA Private Equity Funds: Successful sale of portfolio company m2p-labs GmbH to Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Lead investor FIDURA announces the acquisition of bioprocessing specialist m2p-labs by Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

(lifePR) (Grünwald, )
FIDURA Private Equity Funds, headquartered in Gruenwald near Munich, Germany and co-investors including the High-Tech Gründerfonds, the KfW, the TechVision Fonds and further Co-Investors, have sold their complete stake in m2p-labs GmbH to Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Founded in 2005, m2p-labs is a leading global manufacturer of microbioreactors.
„m2p“ stands for „from microreactor to process“.

Using optical measuring technology and microfluidic chip technology combined with miniaturization and intelligent analyses methods, the company created an innovative system (BioLector®Technology) that provides the user with important information in a non-invasive way and with online monitoring during the process already at a very early stage of development in microscale. The user is thus able to efficiently develop a multitude of bioprocesses and products in a much shorter time to market.
The technology is suitable for diverse screening tasks such as strain selection, promoter characterization, optimization of culture media and bioprocess development.

“Innovation defines our future,” said Greg Milosevich, President, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences. “m2p-labs core product line complements our existing liquid handling and laboratory automation business. It provides new opportunities for our collective team to develop and enhance time-saving solutions for cell line development and process development workflows.”

We are pleased to have found in Beckman Coulter Life Sciences the ideal strategic partner to further realize the great potential of the m2p product portfolio. Our buy-and-build strategy has thus been implemented extremely successfully, adds Klaus Ragotzky, Managing Director of lead investor FIDURA Private Equity Fonds.

Marco Winzer, Partner of High-Tech Gründerfonds and Dr. Christoph Petry, CEO of m2p-labs GmbH, add: "Our consortium of investors was for many years an excellent financial partner and sparring partner for the m2p team. This helped enable the company to realise rapid growth as a market leader in bioprocessing and develop unique microfluidic technology while optimizing and improving internal processes."

About Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences develops, manufactures and markets products that simplify, automate and innovate complex biomedical testing. For more than 75 years, the products of Beckman Coulter have been making a difference in people’s lives by improving the productivity of medical professionals and scientists, supplying critical information for improving patient health and delivering trusted solutions for research and discovery.

For more information visit www.beckman.com

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FIDURA Private Equity Fonds

FIDURA is a German group of independent Private Equity Funds, investing in growth-oriented and innovative mid-sized companies based primarily in German-speaking countries. The fund management team provides companies with personal networks and own entrepreneurial wealth of experience.
In addition, FIDURA Private Equity Funds are investing in accordance with clear ethical and sustainability criteria.
For more information visit www.fidura.de

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