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Story Box-ID: 927949

GELITA AG Uferstr. 7 69412 Eberbach, Deutschland http://www.gelita.com/
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Martin Walter +49 6271 842148
Logo der Firma GELITA AG

State-of-the-art study confirms GELITA Bioactive Collagen Peptides capacity to increase muscle mass

(lifePR) (Eberbach, )
Supplementing the diet with a mix of GELITA’s bioactive collagen peptides, combining BODYBALANCEâ and TENDOFORTEâ can amplify muscle growth from resistance training by up to 61%, determined researchers at the world’s number one School of Sport, Exercise, and Health Sciences at Loughborough University, UK.

In addition to the whopping 61% increase in the vastus medialis (the teardrop-shaped muscle in the front of the upper thigh), those who took collagen peptides experienced the total volume of their strength-trained quadriceps increase by a significant 38% more compared to the placebo group.

The randomised, double-blind control trial, published in the Journal Acta Physiologica, is the first to use state-of-the-art high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to ascertain that bioactive collagen peptides can significantly increase muscle size. Here, researchers also employed ultrasound to detect changes in muscle architecture. These ultrasound images revealed a significant improvement in the angle of the muscle fibres, indicating a positive, systematic effect of the collagen peptide supplements on muscle remodelling after resistance training.

“Over time, greater hypertrophy would be expected to benefit improvements in function”, wrote the authors about the strength gains in light of the significant increase in quadriceps muscle volume and contractile torque found after the collagen peptide supplementation.

This study combined 10 g of BODYBALANCE® with 5 g of TENDOFORTE® bioactive collagen peptides. TENDOFORTE® - where prior studies confirmed its efficacy in improving stressed and compromised tendons and ligaments – was chosen for the proactive maintenance of healthy tendons and ligaments during resistance training.

The study confirmed the findings from three published studies performed by Universities in Germany. “Our current muscle hypertrophy results are consistent with prior studies that reported greater gains in fat-free mass for collagen peptides vs placebo during resistance training,” revealed the authors. The pioneering German studies also yielded improvements in body composition from the supplementation with GELITA’s bioactive collagen peptide BODYBALANCEâ.

For Suzane Leser, nutritionist and director of nutrition communication at GELITA, the study sponsor, “The study is an important milestone in GELITA’s research efforts to confirm the efficacy of bioactive collagen peptides for muscle growth. We are the proponents that mechanisms other than essential amino acids, such as bioactivity, may also be at play.” Study authors likewise concluded, “The advantages we have observed may have been due to the bioactive properties of the collagen peptides.”

Leser concludes: “Seeing is believing. With this high-resolution imaging study, we determined that supplementing with bioactive collagen peptides can significantly increase muscle volume. This study contributes promising evidence towards taking into account the impact of bioactive factors on health outcomes when evaluating dietary protein quality.”


Reference: Balshaw et al. (2022) The effect of specific bioactive collagen peptides on function and muscle remodelling during human resistance training. Acta Physiologica. Published online on 25th November 2002: https://doi.org/10.1111/apha.13903


GELITA is the leading company for manufacturing and marketing collagen proteins. Coordinated from the headquarters in Eberbach, Germany, GELITA provides customers around the world with products of the highest standard, comprehensive technical expertise and sophisticated solutions. More than 20 sites and a global expert network ensure that state-of-the-art know-how is always available for customers. With 140 years of experience in the field of collagen proteins are the basis of GELITA's performance. A strong requirement for innovation is the driving force of the family-owned company that is always looking for new solutions for food, pharmaceutical, health & nutrition as well as for technical applications.

Within the range of collagen proteins, GELITA supplies collagen peptides with proven body-stimulating capabilities, tailor-made gelatines and non- or partly- water soluble collagens. This holistic range of products in combination with its vast experience in developing solutions for different applications makes GELITA first choice for its customers. In today's landscape of highest consumer demands, manufacturers of food products have to rely on natural, healthy, non-allergenic ingredients for their developments. Collagen proteins from GELITA are the perfect match for this as they fulfill all of these requirements, a particular plus being the fact that they are foodstuffs in their own right (e.g. no E-number). They also possess a set of unique technical and physiological properties.

Besides the traditional use of collagen proteins as natural stabilizers and emulsifiers for countless products, they enable manufacturers to provide their products with other properties which are becoming more and more important. GELITA has intensified its research in developing solutions for physical mobility, weight management and beauty from within.

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