Die weiteren Termine:
28. Mai: Dr. David Labonte, Department of Engineering, Imperial College London: „Mechanobiology - physical constraints in biological system“ (Vortrag in englischer Sprache)
18. Juni: Dr. Tobias Kohl, Lehrstuhl für Zoologie, Technische Universität München: „Schlangen – Was wir von der Biologie dieser faszinierenden Tiere lernen können“
25. Juni: Prof. Andrea Dung, School of Architecture, Hochschule Bremen: „Natur, Gestalt und Architektur - Lernen von der Natur als Modell für die Gestaltfindung“
Zusammenfassung des Vortrags am 23. April:
The temporomandibular joint might be small in size compared to hip or shoulder joints, but it is of great importance in our daily life. It provides various movements allowing us – among other things - to eat and speak. However, it is also sensible to different pathologies which are often linked to the temporomandibular joint disc. This fibrocartilage pad serves as a stress distributor between the joint’s bony structures and enables a smooth jaw movement. In order to simulate the temporomandibular joint disc under various conditions and to search for future materials that can substitute the disc, it is necessary to properly understand and describe the temporomandibular joint disc’s biomechanical behaviour. The presentation will give an insight in acquisition of the disc’s external shape and internal microstructure as well as experimental characterisation via spherical compression tests. Furthermore, a first numerical attempt to study the temporomandibular joint disc using an inverse method will be presented.