"The top-flight Super Pros came out to play and all eyes were on the DTM-styled 2JZ-powered E46 of Patrick Ritzmann. Patrick made the journey over from Germany for the event and his huge angle and aggressive style of driving was perfectly suited to Lydden's dips and curves. Two strong runs netted Patrick second qualifying position in his first ever BDC event."
"Another visitor to these shores, Patrick Ritzmann was throwing huge angle and creating 'hellasmoke' in his Uniroyal 2JZ E46″
"This thing is insane and a testament to Patrick and his team's engineering skills."
"Patrick Ritzmann and the 2JZ Powered E46 made a stunning BDC debut: second highest qualifier and the best battles of the day with David Waterworth and the Viper-engined S15."
Offizieller BDC Bericht
"We will reveal more about this very naughty E46 in our main report soon."
"Germany's Partick Ritzmann had made a long trip over to Lydden Hill for his first BDC event and the crowd appreciated it. His duel with Scotland's David Waterworth produced a great smokey battle between the 2JZ powered E46 BMW and the Viper engine'd S15. It was close, close enough to warrant an OMT and Waterworth called the 5 minute rule. The second bout produced another clean run from this pair. Ritzmann chased and remained close to Waterworth, the S15 dropping a wheel off the track sealed it and the lairy looking E46 slid on into the next round."
"Shane Lynch against Patrick Ritzmann looked to be an interesting one, and it was! A thrillingly close first battle with Ritzman tucking in close to Lynch. In the second bout, Lynch just focused on his game and looked comfortable as he made space for himself to take a win over the German sensation."
incl dem BMW als Headliner auf der Startseite
Zu den Berichten ist Facebook noch voll von Bildern vom Event. Zusammen mit dem grandiosen Ergebnis (2. Platz in der Quali und 7. Gesamt) war das Wochenende ein voller Erfolg und Patrick hat wiederum bewiesen, dass IDS-Drifter international spitze sind.
Preview zum Bericht auf Motors TV (Termine folgen)