ISD worked alongside a number of local community organisations on the Rhine’s shores, including:
Judo Club Kaiserswerth
- Kinderhaus Kaiserswerth
- Große Kaiserswerther Karnevalsgesellschaft
- KG Düsseldorfer Nordlichter
- Theodor-Fliedner-Gymnasium
“We are genuinely passionate about making a difference and doing the best to build a more sustainable future,” Ms Maly-Schmidt said. “We know that every single year, millions of tonnes of rubbish enter our oceans via rivers and waterways. RhineCleanUp has come to play a critical role in raising awareness of this issue by mobilising communities along the Rhine’s banks, from the source to the mouth.
“The Rhine River is in ISD’s backyard, and we’re committed to doing our part to preserve the amenity of this beautiful natural resource.”
The event has again been carefully organised this year to allow for cleanups to proceed under COVID conditions.
[ENDS] 11 September 2021