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Story Box-ID: 1013551

Oper Leipzig Augustusplatz 12 04109 Leipzig, Deutschland http://www.oper-leipzig.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Gudula Kienemund +49 341 1261266
Logo der Firma Oper Leipzig

A Journey to Leipzig

In March 2025, Oper Leipzig presents »The Journey to Reims«, a comic opera by Gioachino Rossini

(lifePR) (Leipzig, Germany, )
In March 2025, Oper Leipzig presents »The Journey to Reims«, a comic opera by Gioachino Rossini. This is a work that captivates with its virtuoso vocal writing and zesty humour. Daisy Evans' lively and colourful production premieres at the Opera House on 15 March. Matthias Foremny conducts the Gewandhausorchester.

Another Opera House highlight follows on 22 March with the revival of Richard Strauss's thrilling »Salome«, based on Oscar Wilde's play of the same name. Dara Hobbs takes on the title role in this production by Aron Stiehl, with sets by the legendary rosalie. Younger audiences can look forward to »Gold«, an imaginative fairytale opera for children, which returns to the programme on 26 March. Nora Steuerwald sings and acts, accompanied by Sebastian Linz on percussion.

On 29 March, the Musikalische Komödie will host the premiere of one of the world's most popular musicals: »Evita«. This compelling work by Andrew Lloyd Webber tells the story of Argentina's first lady, Eva Perón, and captivates audiences with unforgettable melodies such as »Don't Cry for Me Argentina«. Olivia Delauré stars in the title role, with Cusch Jung (»Fiddler on the Roof«) directing.

Special formats often reveal extraordinary or previously unknown sides of the ensembles. Those interested in the evolution of the Leipzig Ballet and the first choreographic works of the company's young choreographers shouldn't miss »Out of the Box« on 5 March. A musical highlight by the orchestra of the Musikalische Komödie is »Nachhall im Museum« (Reverb in the Museum), which will take place on 5 March, once again at the Leipzig Museum of Fine Arts. Surprises can be experienced at the exclusive luxury trash show »Quick & Dirty« on International Women's Day, 8 March. As part of the book fair and the »Leipzig liest« reading festival, Intendant Tobias Wolff will be presenting the new book »Glitter & Be Gay Reloaded« on 28 March, together with editor Kevin Clarke, director of the Operetta Research Centre Amsterdam.

Ticket information

All ticket requests can be accommodated online at oper-leipzig.de or via the Oper Leipzig visitor service Tue – Fri 10 am to 6 pm, Sat 12 noon to 6 pm, at both the box office in the Opera House and by telephone under + 49 (0)341-12 61 261. Admission to the city archives is free.


Website Promotion

Website Promotion

Oper Leipzig

The Leipzig Opera follows the tradition of over 330 years of musical theatre in Leipzig: in 1693, the first opera house on the Brühl was opened as the third civic music theatre in Europe after Venice and Hamburg. Since 1840, the world-renowned Gewandhaus Orchestra has played for all performances of the opera and the Leipzig ballet. In addition to today's opera house on Augustusplatz, built in 1960, Leipzig Opera includes the Musikalische Komödie, a special venue for operettas and musical. With over 720 employees, it is the city's largest in-house cultural institution and comprises five mainstays: the opera, Musikalische Komödie, Leipzig Ballet, their 360° outreach and educational programme, and the craft and costume studios which work for all of the city's theatres.


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