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OSM Europe GmbH Pleidelsheimerstr. 15 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Deutschland http://www.dicota.de
Ansprechpartner:in DICOTA GmbH +49 7142 97220
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OSM Europe GmbH

DICOTA expands portfolio of carry solutions to support growing variety of mobile devices

(lifePR) (Las Vegas, USA, )
Leading carry solutions brand, DICOTA, is expanding its portfolio of design-conscious and functional carry solutions that are set to enhance user experience for a growing range of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptop computers.

"At DICOTA we are supporting the expanding range of mobile devices from top manufacturers such as Apple, RIM and Sony Ericsson with high-quality standout carry solutions that greatly improve customer experience of such devices," comments Endre Kadas, Director Mobile Solutions DICOTA.

DICOTA partners with major mobile device manufacturers to ensure DICOTA accessories are quick to market and are in-store to coincide with product launches. DICOTA products also feature unique design characteristics that maximize customer experience of their mobile devices.

The DICOTA portfolio for mobile devices includes notebook bags, backpacks and sleeves, functional cases and covers for phones and tablets as well as privacy screens. You can find out more about DICOTA's portfolio of carry solutions at http://www.dicota.com

DICOTA creates strong brand coherency and emphasizes design and functionality that provide the market with a diverse product portfolio that appeals to a broad variety of customers ranging from business professionals to technology enthusiasts and anyone in-between who needs access to their devices on the move.

Endre Kadas continues: "The DICOTA portfolio is underpinned by our core value proposition of 'Protect Your World' supported by innovative, durable and attractive products that safeguard customers' digital lives."

As smartphones become more powerful and computers become increasingly mobile, the comprehensive DICOTA portfolio ensures retailers have the optimal mix of accessories and carry solutions to support a growing range of devices that offer the quality and functionality their customers demand.

DICOTA has established a consistent brand profile that makes it easier for retailers to relate to the brand, ensure customers establish brand loyalty and thus increase long-term sales. DICOTA also offers a uniquely balanced product portfolio that appeals to a wide price range and variety of target groups and provides some much needed differentiation to accessory line-ups offered by retailers.

DICOTA will be present at the world's largest consumer technology tradeshow, International CES, taking place in Las Vegas between January 10-13 2012. You can find us at South Hall, Upper Level Booth #35638. Learn more about CES at http://www.cesweb.org/

OSM Europe GmbH

DICOTA is renowned for supreme quality and functionality in protection through carrying solutions for your personal media products. Each DICOTA product is created for a world on the move: for a world that requires perfect protection and deserving no less than first class design. Find out more about DICOTA at www.dicota.com.

OSM Group specializes in the design, manufacture and distribution of customized mobile accessories, retail display and premium product solutions for leading brands primarily in the multi-media industry. For more information about OSM Group, please visit our website at www.osmglobal.com

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