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Story Box-ID: 641588

SIMFO GmbH Kurpromenade 2 95448 Bayreuth, Deutschland http://www.maintrac.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Dr. Stefan Schuster +49 921 730052
Logo der Firma SIMFO GmbH

SIMFO GmbH presents maintrac at the BIO International Convention 2017

Maintrac Liquid Biopsy recognized by the European Commission as one of the most innovative procedures in circulating tumor cells

(lifePR) (Bayreuth, )
As one of the 15 most innovative European companies SIMFO GmbH was invited by the European Commission to the Bio International Convention (BIO) 2017 to present maintrac® liquid biopsy under the patronage of the EU. Small and medium-sized enterprises are given the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about the US healthcare and biotech market.

At BIO, more than 16,000 biotechnology and pharmaceutical executives are expected to jointly explore new opportunities and promising partnerships. David Cameron, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, will give the opening speech.

Maintrac® is an innovative analysis platform in cancer diagnostics and therapy monitoring. Maintrac® identifies and quantifies the tumor cells (circulating tumor cells) in the blood sample of a cancer patient and analyzes the efficacy of selected drugs. In clinical trials with more than 650 patients, maintrac® has demonstrated that monitoring CETC in the adjuvant situation, during maintenance and antibody therapy in breast cancer has significant benefits. Possible relapses can be recognized at an early stage.

Further information:

Website Promotion

Website Promotion
maintrac liquid biopsy


The SIMFO Specialized Immunology Research + Development GmbH, based in Bayreuth, is a medical-biologically-oriented company with a high level of competence for personalized diagnostics and cancer therapy. Particular emphasis is set up on the research and development of predictive and prognostic analysis methods for the long-term monitoring and characterization of cancer diseases. This is based on the analysis platform Maintrac®. Maintrac® provides real-time information about the tumor activity and the characteristics of the disease in order to be able to adapt the therapy within a short time frame.

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