Deutsche Wohnen in a strong position following third quarter
- Majority of shareholders support merger with Vonovia - Continuing high level of investment in new builds - Sale of uni…
- Majority of shareholders support merger with Vonovia - Continuing high level of investment in new builds - Sale of uni…
. - Sales revenues up by 13 per cent to EUR 73.6 million, hotel revenues up by 6 per cent to EUR 62.4 million - Compre…
In the first quarter of 2013 Alpiq Holding Ltd. (Alpiq) recorded consolidated net revenue of CHF 2.4 billion and EBITDA…
. - EBIT of EUR 5.9 million achieved in the "YOUNIQ - Student Housing" segment - Greifswald, Karlsruhe and Munich I si…
Rarely seen masterpieces from the collection of drawings at the Van Gogh Museum are to be loaned to TEFAF Maastricht for…
Die Auswirkungen von Finanzmarktkrisen sind erheblich, auch für die Realwirtschaft. Nicht zuletzt das Risiko der Gläubig…