Global Media Forum: Noam Chomsky to attend
Chomsky, the renowned 84-year-old US linguist, gained widespread attention around the world due in part to his oppositio…
Chomsky, the renowned 84-year-old US linguist, gained widespread attention around the world due in part to his oppositio…
Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity, the regional Asia-Pacific awards and festival for creative excellence in advertising…
Heute in den frühen Morgenstunden ging die 16. Ausgabe des Internationalen Werbefilmfestivals spotlight mit einer rausch…
Buchprojekte von Studierenden und AbsolventInnen sowie neu erschienene Bücher der Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee werde…
As the main media partner at the Beethovenfest Bonn, Deutsche Welle (DW) will support the event with its expertise in in…
The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has announced the launch of the Cannes Lions Young Account Executi…
The MBA in media management was established thanks to a long-term collaboration between GUC and DW Akademie, which has b…
Again this year, the Muthesius Academy of Arts will have a stand at the Leipzig Book Fair in the area buch & art (hall 3…
Wenn vom 6. bis 10. März in Berlin die Internationale Tourismusbörse ihre Pforten öffnet, vertreten zehn Studierende der…
Carsten Rumbke war sichtlich zufrieden mit dem bisherigen Projektverlauf der Talentwerkstatt an der HAWK. "Wir haben bei…