Accor's Board of Directors met today at the request of its Chairman, Denis Hennequin, with all Directors in attendance
During this meeting, all the Directors came to the joint conclusion regarding the Group's situation: that the strategy a…
During this meeting, all the Directors came to the joint conclusion regarding the Group's situation: that the strategy a…
. - Operating revenue 2012 at EUR 60.5 million, EBIT at EUR 49.8 million, EBT of EUR 30.3 million - FFO of EUR 1.02 pe…
The HOCHDORF Group has undergone a challenging, often successful, but also disappointing 2012. Export markets were chall…
An der heutigen Ordentlichen Generalversammlung der Julius Bär Gruppe AG wurden die Verwaltungsratsmitglieder Daniel J.…
The management board and the supervisory board of Fresenius Medical Care, the world's largest provider of dialysis produ…
On the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of Ahlers AG on May 7, 2013 in Düsseldorf, the shareholder representatives…
Das 11. AGM-Magazin mit dem Titel "Alien-Edition" ist erschienen und kann ab sofort an jedem gut sortierten Zeitungskios…
The HOCHDORF Group has been unable to increase the turnover and revenue of the EBIT figures as expected. Following an in…
Je moderner die Autos, desto stärker zehrt die Technik an ihren Batterien. Vor allem im Winter. Heckscheiben-, Stand- un…
Jederzeit an jedem Ort den eigenen Strom zu erzeugen - das wünschen sich immer mehr Camper. Deshalb bringt Truma nach de…