HOCHTIEF mit gutem ersten Halbjahr - Konzernumbau verläuft nach Plan
. - Alle Divisions verbessern die operativen Ergebnisse - Kennzahlen zum 1. Halbjahr 2013: Vorsteuerergebnis in Hö…
. - Alle Divisions verbessern die operativen Ergebnisse - Kennzahlen zum 1. Halbjahr 2013: Vorsteuerergebnis in Hö…
. - Neuaufstellung des Konzerns erfolgreich eingeleitet: Fokus auf das Infrastrukturgeschäft greift Maßnahmen zur…
As reported on March 22, 2013, the Adval Tech Group succeeded in raising operating profit before depreciation, interest…
Galenica's U.S. partner, Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc., has received confirmation from the US Food and Drug Administrat…
mcchip-dkr.com will work together with the company Raeder Clubsport in the divisions "motor sport" and "club sport". Fro…
The Adval Tech Group succeeded in raising operating profit before depreciation, interest and taxes (EBITDA) from CHF 14.…
Paul Dempsey, Incoming President, Global Markets today named David Weiland as Executive Vice-President, Western Europe.…
. - Group generates operating earnings of EUR 2.67 billion - All divisions with double-digit earnings growth in Q4 -…
. - Marked improvement in financial performance for 2012 - natural gas market remains challenging - short-term trad…
. - 10.3 percent increase in turnover in the reporting currency of euros, acquisition and currency-adjusted turnover de…