Sunlight reduces risk of breast cancer
Good news for sun worshippers! Spring has finally arrived across large swathes of Europe - and when the sun shines, we c…
Good news for sun worshippers! Spring has finally arrived across large swathes of Europe - and when the sun shines, we c…
It's finally time to swap the woolly hat for sunglasses and take a coffee break outside in the sunshine - spring is the…
Brustkrebs ist die weltweit häufigste Krebsart bei Frauen. Die Heilungschancen liegen zwar bei 90 Prozent, allerdings nu…
Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer affecting women worldwide. Although the chances of recovery are around…
Solarienbesuche erhöhen das Risiko, an schwarzem Hautkrebs zu erkranken. So die landläufige Meinung. Eine groß angelegte…
In ihrem neuen Buch „Krebszellen mögen keine Sonne“ schildern der Präventionsmediziner Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Spitz und der…
Supplying the male body with sufficient amounts of vitamin D has positive effects on testosterone levels. This was the r…
Regelmäßige, moderate Besonnung trägt zum Schutz vor Brust-, Prostata-, und Kolorektalkrebs (Dick- und Mastdarmkrebs) so…
The risk of contracting endometrial cancer for women who frequently use sun beds is lower by 40 percent, in comparison t…
For women who often sunbathe indoor or outdoor, the risk of thrombosis is reduced by 30%, compared to women who avoid su…