Production certainty
Production processes are becoming increasingly complex and effective. Fraunhofer researchers are presenting a new form o…
Production processes are becoming increasingly complex and effective. Fraunhofer researchers are presenting a new form o…
The worldwide Carillon Project starts on May 4th 2013 with performances in the United States of America and Lithuania. W…
Die Künstlergruppe PLAKAT WAND KUNST e.V. aus Karlsruhe präsentiert zusammen mit der Künstlerwerkgemeinschaft Kaisersla…
Das internationale Fashionlabel TALLY WEiJL erobert die Online-Welt und startet heute seinen ersten Online-Store in Deut…
Fourth position overall and a third place in the first moto of the Grand Prix of the Netherlands at a cold and breezy Va…
Deutschland ist wieder im Swapping-Fieber! Modische Must-Haves, Accessoires und Schuhe können gegen andere stylische It-…
TradeCard, Inc. and Sourcing Journal Online have published a new special report that explores the supply chain capabilit…
Dozens of commercially exploited timber species are to receive better international trade controls following negotiation…
Under strong pressure from numerous potential investors the most successful European crowd funding campaign in the luxur…
Carbon has been used for more than a decade in bicycle frames. What exactly makes the difference in carbon engineering?…