Die Preisträger des IBDC 2014 (International Bicycle Design Competition) wurden auf der TAIPEI CYCLE Show feierlich geehrt
497 Bike-Konzepte wurden zum 18. IBDC angemeldet. Eine Expertenjury zeichnete davon die 22 innovativsten Arbeiten aus. D…
497 Bike-Konzepte wurden zum 18. IBDC angemeldet. Eine Expertenjury zeichnete davon die 22 innovativsten Arbeiten aus. D…
Dublin is preparing for being the host city for next year's Radiodays Europe 23-25 March 2014. Last week the RDE managem…
A new global standard in assessing environmental risk, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, has been trialled on 20 ecosyste…
Museum Folkwang has succeeded in acquiring a unique collection of 87 original prints ("vintage prints") from Swiss photo…
"With its journalistic content in 30 languages, DW ensures Germany's multimedia presence in the world," said Erik Better…
The Government of Land Schleswig-Holstein and the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage have achieved success…
The Galenica Group recorded profit growth for the 17th consecutive year in 2012: consolidated net profit rose 13.6% to C…
Shell today released new scenarios that explore two possible ways the 21st century could unfold, with dramatically diffe…
Rarely seen masterpieces from the collection of drawings at the Van Gogh Museum are to be loaned to TEFAF Maastricht for…
Im Sportwettenblog auf interwetten.com werden dem Wettkunden Nachrichtenservices rund um die Sportwette geboten. Dazu zä…