Customer assets of over 100 billion francs
2012 was a good year for PostFinance despite the difficult interest rate situation. Annual earnings before taxes increas…
2012 was a good year for PostFinance despite the difficult interest rate situation. Annual earnings before taxes increas…
Centrosolar muss wegen Finanzproblemen ein ehrgeiziges Restrukturierungsprogramm umsetzen und will dabei Anleihen über…
SIX Swiss Exchange and Scoach Switzerland recorded a further increase in turnover in February 2012. Total turnover was u…
The Management Board of SOLON SE has decided, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to increase the Company's share…
The 1,350,000 shares issued in the course of the rights issue from authorised capital resolved in November 2009 and ente…
"The world's most important mobility trade fair - the 62nd IAA Commercial Vehicles in Hanover - will set new records for…