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Story Box-ID: 143240

Sunlight Research Forum P.O. Box:71 5500 A Veldhoven, Niederlande http://www.sunlightresearchforum.nl
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Ad Brand +31 6 51358180
Logo der Firma Sunlight Research Forum
Sunlight Research Forum

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation decreases the risk of endometrial cancer

Higher level of UV-B rays effectively improves the levels of Vitamin D in the human body, especially in winter months - Vitamin D plays an important role for the well-being of cells

(lifePR) (Veldhoven, )
The risk of contracting endometrial cancer for women who frequently use sun beds is lower by 40 percent, in comparison to women who abstain from using them. A study which was carried out by Swedish researchers, and which has been published in the British Journal of Cancer, has come to this conclusion.

"The research team put their results down to the fact that the higher level of UV-B rays, which are associated with sun beds, effectively improve the levels of Vitamin D in the human body, especially in winter months. Vitamin D plays an important role for the well-being of cells, as medical research has shown," explains Ad Brand, spokesman for the Sunlight Research Forum (SRF).

Endometrial cancer (Endometrial Carcinoma) is the most frequent form of uterine cancer. The study conducted by Swedish scientists is the first study to look into the question of whether there is a connection between sun beds and the risk of contracting endometrial cancer.

The Sunlight Research Forum (SRF) is a non profit organisation with the HQ in the Netherlands. It is their goal to make the newest medical and scientific knowledge available to the general public about the effects of moderate UV radiation on people.

Please note:

The complete article "Epstein E., Lindquist P.G., Geppert B., Olsson H.: A population-based cohort study on sun habits and endometrial cancer; in: British Journal of Cancer, advance online publication, 23 June 2009" is also available on the SRF-website www.sunlightresearchforum.eu for download.

Sunlight Research Forum

The Sunlight Research Forum (SRF) is a not-for-profit organisation based in The Netherlands. SRF's aim is to help bring to the fore, the latest medical and scientific information on the effects of moderate UV exposure on man. It takes time, often decades, for new scientific ideas to be accepted and assimilated, first into the general body of scientific knowledge and finally into policy. We want to reduce this time to a minimum so that the benefits of research can lead to a better understanding of UV effects on man and will become available to the public without any unnecessary delay. We hope to provide policy makers with correct information on which to base national health policy and individuals with better information on which to base choices about their lifestyles.

New research and well founded ideas on moderate UV exposure both indoor and outdoor will be presented and discussed in the Sunlight Research Forum by people working in the health disciplines, by academics and by journalists.

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