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Story Box-ID: 352084

Sunlight Research Forum P.O. Box:71 5500 A Veldhoven, Niederlande http://www.sunlightresearchforum.nl
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Ad Brand +31 6 51358180
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Sunlight Research Forum

Modern living leads to an increase in asthma sufferers

(lifePR) (Veldhoven, )
Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases worldwide. During an asthma attack, the airways become constricted, leading to symptoms ranging from wheezing and coughing to severe shortness of breath. Severe attacks also often bring with them feelings of panic, excessive sweating and an increased pulse rate.

Faced with the increasing numbers of sufferers, more and more studies are focusing on the connection between vitamin D and asthma. The causes of asthma have still not been adequately researched. However, it has been shown that modern lifestyles, with factors including too little sunlight, too little exercise, obesity and insufficient intake of calcium can increase the likelihood of developing respiratory disorders.

Vitamin D plays a particularly important role in this respect. Many studies have shown that vitamin D has a positive effect on the immune system. Vitamin D activates the T cells in the body so that they can seek out and destroy bacteria and viruses. Therefore, lack of vitamin D can lead to a decline in lung function and increase the likelihood of asthmatic disorders.

Scientists have observed how asthma is more common in northerly latitudes than in southern countries. The disease also tends to get worse during the winter months. "In light of these results, it's not just asthma patients who should ensure they get regular UV exposure", says Ad Brand of the Sunlight Research Forum (SRF). The risk of vitamin D deficiency is particularly high in winter when there is little natural sunlight, and this can have a negative effect on the immune system. This is when it can make sense to visit a solarium as a preventive measure.

Source: Sheena D. Brown,1 H. Hardie Calvert1 and Anne M. Fitzpatrick1,2,*
(1Department of Pediatrics; Emory University; Atlanta, GA USA; 2Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Center for Developmental Lung Biology; Atlanta, GA USA), "Vitamin D and asthma", in: Dermato-Endocrinology 4:2, 137-145; April/May/June 2012; © 2012 Landes Bioscience

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Sunlight Research Forum

The Sunlight Research Forum (SRF) is a not-for-profit organisation based in The Netherlands. SRF's aim is to help bring to the fore, the latest medical and scientific information on the effects of moderate UV exposure on man. It takes time, often decades, for new scientific ideas to be accepted and assimilated, first into the general body of scientific knowledge and finally into policy. We want to reduce this time to a minimum so that the benefits of research can lead to a better understanding of UV effects on man and will become available to the public without any unnecessary delay. We hope to provide policy makers with correct information on which to base national health policy and individuals with better information on which to base choices about their lifestyles.

New research and well founded ideas on moderate UV exposure both indoor and outdoor will be presented and discussed in the Sunlight Research Forum by people working in the health disciplines, by academics and by journalists.

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