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Story Box-ID: 52425

Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft Vosslohstraße 4 58791 Werdohl, Deutschland http://www.vossloh.com
Ansprechpartner:in Uwe Jülichs +49 2392 52608
Logo der Firma Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft
Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft

Vossloh has sold its business unit Vossloh Infrastructure Services

(lifePR) (Werdohl, )
Vossloh Group has signed a sale and purchase agreement regarding the sale of the business unit Vossloh Infrastructure Services to Eurovia S.A., a company of the VINCI-Group. On June 18, 2008, Vossloh AG had already received a corresponding binding bid from Eurovia S.A. Following the approval of the Supervisory Board and of the Vossloh Infrastructure Services' works councils, the Management Board of Vossloh AG has accepted this offer today. The closing of the transaction is still subject to the merger control clearance by the competent authorities. The fixed purchase price for all shares in Vossloh Infrastructure Services S.A.'s and its subsidiaries amounts to EUR 150 million, based on an enterprise value of around EUR185 million.

The business unit Vossloh Infrastructure Services comprises the construction and maintenance of railway tracks as well as the installation of overhead lines. With a workforce of around 1,500, the business unit reported sales of a good EUR 210 million in 2007.

Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft

Today's Vossloh is a global player in the rail technology markets. The Group focuses on its core businesses of rail infrastructure, rail vehicles, and trolleybuses. Reflecting this focus, Vossloh's two divisions of Rail Infrastructure and Motive Power&Components operate under the roof of MDAX-listed Vossloh AG. Excluding the discontinued Vossloh Infrastructure Services operation, 4,066 employees generated sales of 1,014.9 million EUR and an EBIT of 111.2 million EUR in 2007.

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