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The leading exhibition for the news publishing industry will dock in Hamburg in 2010

IFRA Expo 2010 will take place from 4 to 6 October in Hamburg

(lifePR) (Darmstadt, )
IFRA Expo, the leading international exhibition for the news publishing and media industries (www.ifraexpo.com), will be held in the maritime city of Hamburg next year from Monday, 4 October to Wednesday, 6 October 2010. That was announced today by the organiser, IFRA, and the Hamburg Messe & Congress GmbH. For the first time, the exhibition will be one day shorter than usual, but accompanying congress events are planned for up to and including Thursday, 7 October.

"With its new exhibition grounds, the cosmopolitan city of Hamburg, a leading media centre in Germany offers an outstanding infrastructure for the leading exhibition of the news publishing industry. Hamburg is not only very easily accessible at international level, the city also offers a very high quality of life standard as well as - in international comparison - exceedingly moderate hotel prices. The level of auxiliary costs connected to the exhibition, an increasingly important factor for our exhibitors and visitors, is also extremely low in Hamburg. Therefore we are looking forward very much to a successful IFRA Expo 2010 on the northern seaboard!", says Reiner Mittelbach, IFRA CEO.

Bernd Aufderheide, Chairman of the Board of Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH: "We look forward to welcoming IFRA Expo 2010, the leading exhibition for the news publishing and media industries, to Hamburg. The Hanseatic city of Hamburg, with its major publishing houses and more than 21,000 media and IT companies, is a centre of the industry and therefore an ideal venue for IFRA Expo. Awaiting exhibitors and visitors are recently completed, ultramodern exhibition grounds located in the heart of the city, just a short walk to the Alster and Elbe rivers, attractive shopping districts, exciting nightspots and many hotels belonging to all categories."

The decision for this venue was taken in close consultation with the IFRA Expo exhibitors. The IFRA Expo advisory council voted by more than 90 percent in favour of Hamburg. The following are just some of the comments of the exhibitors:

- "We fully support Hamburg as a venue. I think we have to travel around to gather more local visitors and increase the popularity of IFRA Expo in other countries."
(Davide Garavaglia, Business Development & Marketing Manager, Atex)

- "As a cosmopolitan seaport and important media centre, Hamburg is a good alternative to Amsterdam for IFRA Expo 2010. Whereas Vienna in 2009 is especially suitably located for the news publishing industry in the southern and south-eastern parts of Europe, Hamburg can be expected to appeal more to the newspaper specialists from the northern and western regions. In addition, both cities are also easily accessible for visitors from overseas. In my opinion, Hamburg, with its modern exhibition grounds and Hanseatic flair, offers an attractive counterpoint to Vienna."
(Klaus Schmidt, Vice President/Director Marketing, KBA)

- "Hamburg is international and cosmopolitan. Hamburg offers exhibitors and visitors many fabulous event locations. Hamburg is one of the media and publishing cities in Europe. Hamburg is still fresh and new for IFRA visitors and brings a bit of a change. They have excellent fresh fish there, and it snows only very rarely."
(Christian Seitz, Head of Marketing Events, manroland AG)

- "Hamburg is an excellent alternative for IFRA Expo. We fully and wholeheartedly support the selection of Hamburg as a venue."
(Volker Leonhardt, General Manager Sales/Marketing, Müller Martini).

- "Hamburg has excellent connections to the rest of Europe, and Germany is also the gate to the former East European countries. For protecmedia, Germany has evolved as a key market, this is why Hamburg, as the venue location for IFRA Expo 2010, suits our market development strategy perfectly."
(Andrés Checa, Director de Marketing, protecmedia)

- "Hamburg, a strong city in publishing. Easy access, cost efficient."
(Erik Ohls, Director Technical Marketing, UPM-Kymmene)

IFRA Expo 2010 will be held in Halls A1 to A4 of the Neue Messe Hamburg. The exhibition itself will run from Monday to Wednesday, from 10.00 to 18.00 h on each day. An extensive programme of parallel events will take place in the adjacent congress rooms from Monday to Thursday. Starting April 2009, interested exhibitors can book their stand space for IFRA Expo 2010. Your contact at IFRA is Kerstin Hartmann, phone +49 (6151) 733-921 and e-Mail khartmann@ifra.com.

This year's IFRA Expo (www.ifraexpo.com) will take place from Monday, 12, to Thursday, 15 October 2009 in the Reed Messe Wien (www.messe.at). Already more than 140 exhibitors have registered for the exhibition.


IFRA (www.ifra.com) is the worldwide research and service organisation for the news publishing industry. With headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany, it has acted since 1961 as the platform for decision-makers from the newspaper industry. IFRA offers its services primarily to its more than 3100 members in nearly 80 countries. A Board, comprising publishers as well as central, regional and specialised committees drawn from IFRA member companies, steers the work of the international newspaper community. IFRA's research work provides the basis for this and results in standardisation projects as well as international and regional exhibitions, conferences, workshops, study tours, training events, Newsplex consulting and international competitions. The IFRA Expo - "the annual event of the news publishing industry" - held at major European venues, is the world's most important trade exhibition for newspaper companies and their partners. IFRA Expo 2009 will be held from 12 to 15 October in Vienna (www.ifraexpo.com). IFRA Magazine, the international magazine of newspaper business, strategy and technology, is published in several languages in both print and online versions (www.iframagazine.com). IFRA is also running IFRA Search, a vertical search engine for the news publishing industry (www.ifrasearch.com).

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