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Story Box-ID: 915892

Dry Ager Manufaktur Mackstraße 90 88348 Bad Saulgau, Deutschland http://www.dry-ager.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Constanze Braun +49 176 70132221
Logo der Firma Dry Ager Manufaktur

SmartAging® by DRY AGER® – the gamechanger for a new and unique taste of food

Dry Aging easier than ever before with the new SmartAging® technology

(lifePR) (Bad Saulgau, Germany, )
SmartAging® is the new technology from DRY AGER® manufactured in Bad Saulgau, Germany, with which the family-run company once again underlines its expertise and market leadership in the field of professional dry aging fridges for food. Thanks to intelligent software, the new generation of dry aging cabinets enables even easier production and maturing of meat, sausage and ham, fish, cheese, wine and even herbs and pasta in different flavor intensities.

SmartAging® technology is the gamechanger for a new and unique taste of food

Dry Aging 2.0: With the new SmartAging® technology from DRY AGER® Dry Aging is now simple and guaranteed to success. The latest appliances feature sophisticated software with the appropriate parameters for the aging process of all types of food, which can be selected directly on the DRY AGER® cabinet at the touch of a button with the control unit. The relevant criteria that influence the maturing result and flavor intensity include time, temperature, humidity and air flow. Three flavor categories "basic", "intensive" and "intensive+" are available for selection via the DXTasteReg® on the appliance.

From raw product to delicacy

The be-all and end-all is the starting product: no matter what cut, sausage or ham - the raw product for the Dry Aging Cabinet must be prepared first. Practical, easy-to-understand step-by-step instructions, quantities, ingredient lists, recipes and lots of background knowledge can be found in the Dry Aging Bible, the comprehensive book written by Aaron and Christian Landig, the inventors of the DRY AGER® fridges.

At the touch of a button, you can select the right setting for beef, pork, game, poultry, ham, sausage, fish, cheese, wine, herbs or pasta. Smart programs are even available for special applications, such as post-maturing of vacuum-packed meat, drying of fruit or for complex ripening processes with different, varying aging phases and temperatures.

The SmartAging® technology developed by professionals then controls the result for a perfect, intense aroma and unique consistency.

In order to transform the fully matured product into a delicacy, gourmets can be inspired and guided by the recipes of the renowned chefs who have written recipes for the Dry Aging Bible.

Program examples of Smart Aging® technology for the most common foods:


Of course, the essence of the DRY AGER® fridge is the refinement of meat. Each piece of meat must be considered individually. The Smart Aging® technology provides programs for beef, pork, game, lamb and goat, taking into account the cut and the desired intensity of flavor. Additional programs are available for presentation for dry aged meat, for storage of vacuum-packed meat, for vacuum pre-matured meat with or without bones and for regeneration of wet matured meat.


Milanese salami, salsiccia etc. are child's play to make with instructions from the Dry Aging Bible and the SmartAging® technology, with programs for post-maturing or storage of salami, for raw sausages in sheep, pork or artificial casings. 


Time, spices and the right maturing parameters turn a piece of meat into a sought-after ham specialty. Cured meat is also more in demand than ever. Together with perfectly matched spice mixtures, SmartAging® technology does the rest at the touch of a button. The maturing programs optimize the storage and post-maturing of ham, cured ham, pastrami, dried meat, smoked ham, burn-through ham, and ham maturing without smoking.


The germ-sensitive meat of chicken, duck, pheasant, etc. is in good hands in the DRY AGER® Premium S with multi-stage sterilization programs and SmartAging® for all relevant poultry species.


The pinnacle discipline is the dry aging of fish, as there is a very fine line between perfect and inedible. Top results are achieved with flavors ranging from marzipan to butter, increasing the shelf life of fish to up to 10 days. Maturing programs are available for whole fish, fish fillets or stockfish.


Homemade or purchased: a fresh round of cheese is affinated perfectly in the DRY AGER® Cabinet in 3-4 weeks with programs for ripening or storage of soft and semi-soft cheeses.

Cigars and wine

If you are thinking of delightful "vegetarian" time-outs, you can use your DRY AGER® fridge optimally as a humidor or wine refrigerator in the meantime, thanks to adjustable humidity and temperature control. And don't worry: Cleaning is also uncomplicated.

For more information, please go to www.dry-ager.com
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