Kategorie: Alle News

Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

Do you want refreshing coolness, but naturally?

For example, when the sun is burning, or your ?️‍♀️ ⚽️ ? fitness programme has been particularly demanding? SCHWITZABLEITER COOLING TOWEL is the fitness towel with a natural cooling effect. The special honeycomb structure of the microfibre material converts the absorbed moisture directly into activating coolness. Quite simply, by evaporation. You can keep your smartphone, keys, cards and money safe in the extra-large zip pocket. Super-absorbent, quick drying microfibre.

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Heute ist der Internationale Tag der Robben

Der 22. März ist der Internationale Tag der Robben. Er geht auf eine Resolution des US-Kongresses aus dem Jahr 1982 zurück. Ursprünglich ging es darum, auf das brutale Töten Hunderttausender Sattel- und Klappmützenrobben und deren Welpen vor der Küste Neufundlands (Kanada) bei der kanadischen Robbenjagd aufmerksam zu machen. Heute drohen neben der in Kanada, Namibia und anderen Ländern noch immer stattfindenden Jagd auch andere Gefahren für diese semi-aquatischen Meeressäuger.

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Grundschleppnetzfischerei in Meeresschutzgebieten?

Die brachiale Fischereimethode steht in ihren Auswirkungen auf die Meeresumwelt der geächteten Dynamitfischerei in nichts nach. Grundschleppnetzfischerei setzt viel CO₂ frei, verursacht hohe Beifangraten (bis zu 90 %) und zerstört wertvolle Meeresökosysteme, darunter auch potente CO₂-Speicherökosysteme wie Seegraswiesen. Trotzdem dürfen Grundschleppnetzfischer in Meeresschutzgebieten fischen. Das will die EU bis 2030 verbieten. Wir setzen uns für ein grundsätzliches, sofortiges Verbot ein!

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Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

You always need loose change...

... for parking in the city, for tips at the cafe, for the coffee machine, for the shopping trolley. And you don't leave the house without your keys. POCKET CLICK is the smart solution for both. A mini wallet from genuine leather on one side, and an innovative keyring on the other. The ring closure works with the clever ball trick: one click, and the key ring clicks in securely. Or out - if you want to remove a key.

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Logo der Firma Senorics GmbH
Senorics GmbH

3 types of yarn testing: Burning, solubility, or the SenoLab?

With the global textile market predicted to grow at a CAGR of 4.0% from 2022 to 2030, the need for easy and affordable yarn analysis is increasing. Identifying the composition and quality of fibers and yarn lays the foundation for correct processing of textiles later in the supply chain. Processing, treating, and recycling textile materials based on their raw components can make the textile industry more sustainable.

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Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

PATENT makes even the biggest bunch of keys easy to handle.

Comes complete with a spring hook and 6 exchangeable rings. Each ring can be unhooked individually in no time, putting you in key position! Keyring, round, incl. carabiner, 6 exchangeable rings, brass / metal, matt, Grey / Ideal for organizing keys and the like, with a stylish design - finally no more chaos on your key chain / Ideal for organizing your keys, including car keys, house keys, company keys, shopping trolley chips + much more - Perfect for e.g. caretakers, nurses or businesspeople

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Nach wie vor ist in Deutschland keine Meereswende in Sicht

Seit Februar gibt es zaghafte Fischereiverbote in Meeresschutzgebieten in der Nordsee, u. a. zum Schutz von Schweinswalen. Bereits im November 2022 waren halbherzige Fischereiverbote in der Ostsee in Kraft getreten. Immerhin sind es die ersten Fortschritte nach 20 Jahren Stillstand. Besser als nichts. Aber nur wenig weit davon entfernt. Die Einschränkungen sind kleinteilig und fischereilastig. Die Messlatte beim Meeresschutz liegt in Deutschland nach wie vor sehr niedrig.

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Neue Zürcher Zeitung on Art and Finance

A recent article published by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung shows the constantly growing interest in art lending and art finance. As one of the main participants in the market, Thomas González Art Loans is introduced in the article. According to the article, art lending and art finance along with other art investment vehicles like third-party-guarantees in auctions, is a well etablished business in the US. However, there is a lot of potential for growth for art-related financing in Europe.

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Interview on PrivateArtInvestor.com with Thomas González Art Loans

PrivateArtInvestor.com, the financial magazine for the art world, has recently published an extensive interview with Thomas González on his art lending and art financing activities. Apart from his experiences in the art financing market, Thomas González points out his expectations for the art market in the near future. Due to the lack of alternative investments, Thomas González argues that the art market, the art loan and art finance industry alike, will continue to grow.

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Portrait on Thomas González in Weltkunst Magazine

One of the most important german magazines on art and antiquities, the Weltkunst magazine, reports on Thomas González activities an an art dealer. “The art market is in a state of flux,” González says, “the old models are not working anymore. Many galleries close, even those that have decades of tradition. The market has become much more global and more specific.

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Thomas González on Art Investment in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Historically, the bad liquidity of art ownership is considered the biggest disadvantage of art investment. Unlike stocks or bonds, González writes that art, like real estate, can not be converted into money within a day. If the sale to a collector or dealer does not succeed directly, then the art investor would have to sell through the auction houses which can take three to twelve months. The advantage: no quick decisions are needed.

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Immer mehr tote Robben in der Nordsee durch Fischerei-Beifang

Nicht nur bei uns, auch im südlichen Teil der Nordsee haben sich Seehunde und Kegelrobben von ihrer fast vollständigen Ausrottung gut erholt. Die Kehrseite dieser Erfolgsgeschichte ist, dass Jungtiere beider Arten in großer Zahl sterben. An der belgischen und niederländischen Nordseeküste stranden seit einigen Jahren immer mehr tote, verletzte oder in Resten von Fischernetzen verhedderte Robben. Darauf machen belgische und niederländische Forscher in zwei Studien aufmerksam.

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Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

Make the world a little more fertile. Hum, hum, hum...

The friendliest bee in the world as a colourful keychain. In yellow and black with bees and beehives made of enamel with a high-gloss varnish. Attached to the black carabiner with decorative climbing cords. The must-have for small and large MAJA fans, hobby beekeepers and insect lovers. Keyring incl. carabiner, 2 pendants on decorative climbing rope: bee, beehive, aluminium / cast metal / enamel / nylon, shiny, Black / Yellow

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