Yarn and sliver testing: Moving analysis from the lab into your pocket
Fast, easy, and non-destructive yarn and sliver testing on the production floor or before shipping products to customers - made possible by the SenoLab.
Fast, easy, and non-destructive yarn and sliver testing on the production floor or before shipping products to customers - made possible by the SenoLab.
Fast, easy, and non-destructive analysis: We have gathered the most frequently asked questions about cannabis analysis with the SenoLab at recent expos.
It's whatever you make of it! With 2 notebooks (36 pages each) for your to-do lists, weekly plans, goal checks, or shopping lists. Everything on FSC-certified paper with a clever dot grid so you can lay out the page however you like. And whatever you no longer need, you can easily remove thanks to the perforations. Two elastic bands hold the A5 notebooks together and make replacing them easy. Non-slip faux leather velour cover stylishly embossed with "JOURNAL" and integrated pen loop.
SELLWERK Prime, die digitale Grundausstattung für den Mittelstand, ist nicht nur Marktführer in diesem Bereich, sondern auch mehrfach ausgezeichnet worden: Zwei Goldmedaillen des Verbands Deutscher Auskunfts- und Verzeichnismedien sowie zwei silberne Trophäen der führenden europäischen Non-Profit Organisation SIINDA sprechen für sich, dass SELLWERK Prime die beste Lösung ist, um dein Unternehmen schnell und einfach zu digitalisieren!