Kategorie: Alle News

Neue Zürcher Zeitung on Art and Finance

A recent article published by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung shows the constantly growing interest in art lending and art finance. As one of the main participants in the market, Thomas González Art Loans is introduced in the article. According to the article, art lending and art finance along with other art investment vehicles like third-party-guarantees in auctions, is a well etablished business in the US. However, there is a lot of potential for growth for art-related financing in Europe.

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Interview on PrivateArtInvestor.com with Thomas González Art Loans

PrivateArtInvestor.com, the financial magazine for the art world, has recently published an extensive interview with Thomas González on his art lending and art financing activities. Apart from his experiences in the art financing market, Thomas González points out his expectations for the art market in the near future. Due to the lack of alternative investments, Thomas González argues that the art market, the art loan and art finance industry alike, will continue to grow.

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Portrait on Thomas González in Weltkunst Magazine

One of the most important german magazines on art and antiquities, the Weltkunst magazine, reports on Thomas González activities an an art dealer. “The art market is in a state of flux,” González says, “the old models are not working anymore. Many galleries close, even those that have decades of tradition. The market has become much more global and more specific.

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Thomas González on Art Investment in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Historically, the bad liquidity of art ownership is considered the biggest disadvantage of art investment. Unlike stocks or bonds, González writes that art, like real estate, can not be converted into money within a day. If the sale to a collector or dealer does not succeed directly, then the art investor would have to sell through the auction houses which can take three to twelve months. The advantage: no quick decisions are needed.

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Neue Termine: Musikalische Lesungen und Konzerte mit Bettina Göschl

Auch in diesem Frühjahr ist die erfolgreiche Liedermacherin, Kinderbuch- und Drehbuchautorin Bettina Göschl wieder auf zahlreichen Veranstaltungen im Norden anzutreffen. Den Auftakt bildet am Faschingssonntag, den 19. Februar 2023, ein Familiennachmittag in Bremerhaven. Göschls zahlreiche Lieder und Geschichten erscheinen im JUMBO Verlag.

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Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

Planning aid and tool box in one!

The multitasking ballpoint pen CONSTRUCTION really has a lot on it - and in it. Various scales, centimetre and inch ruler, slotted and Phillips screwdriver, stylus and spirit level. Nothing can go wrong now! You see it everywhere you go, and not only in cars: the trendy colour stone-grey. Now we're offering CONSTRUCTION in this eye-catching colour. Now, nothing can go wrong anymore! Especially when this pen is at hand in this premium concrete look.

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Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

So that you arrive well in every situation.

Also sometimes lost in the chaos? ->Create order. Organised-on-the-go Always on the go and the next ticket already booked - it's even more fun when everything is perfectly organised. TROIKA travel accessories for men are the casual companions for on the road. High-quality workmanship, cleverly conceived and implemented with a great sense of design. So that you arrive well in every situation.

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Bettina Göschl und Klaus-Peter Wolf in den Medien und auf der Bühne

Hörbücher aus Klaus-Peter Wolfs Reihe "Die Wunderzwillinge" (JUMBO) wurden in der Branchenpresse besprochen, Bettina Göschl tritt mit "Paffi, der kleine Feuerdrache" (JUMBO)im Rathaus Langewedel auf und die Besetzung der Verfilmung von Wolfs "Ostfriesennacht" (Hörbuch bei GOYALiT) ziert die Seite eins der Nordwest Zeitung. Foto: Wolfgang Weßling

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Ein "Grandios" vom BÜCHERmagazin für das Hörbuch "Lächeln" (GOYALiT)

Das BÜCHERmagazin hat das bei GOYALiT erschienene Hörbuch "Lächeln" von Booker-Preisträger Roddy Doyle mit dem Prädikat "Grandios" ausgezeichnet: "Doyle zählt zu den großen irischen Erzählern und das Hörbuch untermauert dies in beeindruckender Form." Auch andere Medien berichten von dem Hörbuch, interpretiert von Stephan Schad, sowie dem gleichnamigen Buch, das bei GOYA erschienen ist.

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Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

ESPRESSO DOPPIO - if espresso to go, then sustainable.

With a capacity of 160 ml, the small thermo mug provides hot espresso on the go. Can be used again and again thanks to the sturdy design with double-walled vacuum-insulated stainless steel, vacuum-insulated stainless steel and lid made of FSC-certified bamboo with silicone seal. Fits all standard coffee machines and cup holders. ESPRESSO DOPPIO - if espresso to go, then sustainable.

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Logo der Firma TROIKA GERMANY GmbH

ESPRESSO DOPPIO – wenn Espresso to go, dann nachhaltig.

Mit 160 ml Inhalt sorgt der kleine Thermobecher unterwegs für heißen Espresso-Nachschub. Immer wieder verwendbar dank stabiler Ausführung mit doppelwandigem, vakuumisoliertem Edelstahl und Deckel aus FSC-zertifiziertem Bambus mit Silikondichtung. Passt für alle gängigen Kaffeemaschinen und Becherhalterungen. ESPRESSO DOPPIO – wenn Espresso to go, dann nachhaltig.

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Neuer Lyrikband von Götz Hindelang.

Immer wieder stellen wir unser Engagement in lyrische Verlautbarungen in Frage, doch wir können es einfach nicht lassen. Denn es gibt kein Leben ohne Reime. (Das Zitat stammt von Wehwalt Koslovsky). Im Falle von Götz Hindelang folgt deshalb seinem ersten Lyrikband nun “Das Nashorn der Lüfte”. Den Lesenden, ob nun geneigt oder nicht, erwartet Komisches, Kritisches, Erhellendes und Erleuchtendes.

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